Reported over 300+ low skilled players this season!

I have played 500+ games this season in HL, and I have reported over 250+ players for low skilled. I hope they gonna fix the MM.


The only thing I can wish you is that over 250 low skilled players report you this season.


For what? And then? I feel I am getting toxic now because of this poor MM. I have disabled chat so I won’t be toxic at all. But please, fix the MM!

You’re a scumbag, purposely ruining the game for others. But then again, we knew this already. Not like this is your first time. You created multiple topics in the past about reporting people for fun, just so Blizzard will look at their system.


Despite the toxic behavior to report anynone this is a problem of Blizzard that put and abusable automatic report system. Clearly they have to fix it as soon as possible. And maybe add a blacklist option to avoid to get matched with unwanted players.


i was gold 5, i fighted for that and i know is not an hig rank but i came from bronze. In the last two day i lost 4 ranks, 12 LOST 1 VICTORY. Feeder, afker, people who don’t even ban. Going unistall. A game should be funny and not stressfull. After last patch hots is trash JUST TRASH


Few hours ago i was in a team with Li Li that refused to heal me on purpose, 2 match later i find the same player on the same team using Tassadar and walling me in choke points on purpose. I could not even leave the spawn that he started to follow me.
Tell me why i should not abuse report system with this guy since there is no way i can blacklist him to avoid being matched with him…


i have blocked my chat for the same reason. its a must . same thing with the low skilled players happens to me, you and everyone.

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/Agree with Michielovie

If someone feels it is toxic to tell him “Shut up and play as team” and he report me for my words, i will report him for his low skill level.

As long as it is toxic to say “group up” and tell people mistakes , it is toxic to be in a team with low skilled players

Be careful!
When i say “low” i not talking about the guy who died once, two, thee time etc. I am talking about

  1. The guy who goes alone while obj is up
  2. The guy who has 10 deaths in 16 minutes (real example)
  3. The guy who goes 1vs5 in late game while i ping him.

This guy should be reported by every single player in this game, unless you want a low skilled moba player to co op with.


Such reports do nothing though, utterly pointless.


Yea, They made the MM and you report the players that got chosen by the MM THEY made. Pointless report and it only creates pointless work for the people who go throu these reports.


There is no point to report low skilled players, unless you have to release your anger. Hovewer, they are not guilty for being low skilled, they may play their best and only matchmaking is throwing them in your team. And you know, who exactly created this matchmaking. Blame this company.


That is why I am reporting them. Not because I blame them for trying to do their best. Everyone tries to win! But I report them because maybe, just maybe, Blizzard will try to fix the MM.


Still makes you a forum troll!


It will not help. This company will work only if you sue them. Use the law, hit their wallet.

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How do you guys define low skill player, and what kind of report subject do you apply? Afk/non-participation? :smiley:

From my experience the very noobs, who have no idea how to play it, call others low skill player and issue inapropriate, undeserved reports to satisfy their little brain :stuck_out_tongue:


you are doing god’s work


There is nothing like “abusing” regarding the report system since it’s a feature provided by developers by their will, this mean that whatever you do with that and whatever is the result it’s something Blizzard consider ok.

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This is a failed game just like the devs say it is, it would be pretty fun if most players had at least a tiny bit of competence but reality is most players are children or complete morons that don’t know what planet they’re on. 3 years ago i stopped playing after smashing my mouse to death after uncarriable match. A month ago I started playing again aaaaand… smashed my mouse to tiny pieces today, hopefully I’m not coming back ever again not after 3 years nor ever. This game is not for those who want to win, loot box stupi.dity should be a dead give away what kind of target audience this game is going for. It’s, it was a trap 3 years ago - oh look such nice classic Blizzard heroes, pretty dope 20 min action packed matches, should be fun to learn and improve - it’s easy to fall for it until you see that on your own you can’t do anything and competence of majority of players are beyond any rational mind, can’t differentiate their heads from butts. And I don’t mean some high level play shi.t but just basic stuff like watching the map, being aware of what’s going on, you’re allways going to get one clueless bot and you pray every load screen that it’d be just one. Under these circumstances you can’t learn, can’t move forward towards better, higher quality play, it’s a dead end. Save yourselves and uninstall, it’s not a game you want to play. It’s just a cash grab from the dumbest of the dumb “dueeeh i wanna buy sum lut buxez dueeeehhh because im a fu.cking ADD gambler idiot seeking for fast dose of dopamine dayyyhhh”, glad I didn’t spend 1$ on it though was about to at the beginning.


Blizzard target are exactly kids because they are more attracted and addicted to useless fancy stuff and so microtransaction and gamblingboxes work on them. Mature players look more at the whole of a videogame and develeopers are anoyed by them because they require to get involved with the community and it’s exactly what devs not want (a perfect example is the sh|t report system). Lazyness is sad. If you plan a multi-player video game you also plan to getting involved with the community on long term, if temporary instead then you give community the tools to administrate it.

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