Reroll and delete quests

usually i play the same character for some days. sometimes weeks and months too, i like to delve in and really get with the character.
the quests are in the way of this exploration. more than often i get quests i rather not do. i get it though, it’s important for the rotation of the characters; keeps the fun in the game.
To deal with this I’d like to get the opportunity to reroll a quest once. If it’s still not something I want to do, I’d like to be able to delete the quest freeing a slot for a new quest the day after.
afterthought: this ofc creates a reroll meta where u always try to get a certain quest and always reroll low value quests. but… i think that’s alright. it’s fun rolling, most of everyone think so. and if u roll a 200g quest, u get to reroll it and see. which is arguably objectively “fun”.

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