Reward Ana's Shrike quest for doses uptime, not getting to 5 stacks

A good Ana tries to keep maximum dose uptime on any target, since it provides more damage and healing (and other effects depending on talents).

The new Shrike quest, after the rework, gains stacks by putting 5 doses on a heroic target.

The Problem
The Shrike quest incentivises you to let the doses wear off and apply them again. Exactly the opposite you’d normally try to do.

Make the Shrike quest scale with 5-doses uptime on enemies.
e.g. “Every N seconds a target is afflicted by 5 doses, Shrike heals for X more”

EDIT: When you think of it, this behaviour isn’t much different from the old sleep quest - you progressed the quest by hitting targets with Sleep Dart.

That meant that you’d often fire off sleep darts just to stack the quest, rather than when you need it. Completing the quest incentivises you to play badly.

Removing the Sleep Dart quest was a step in the right direction, but you just baked the same, old issue in the new quest.

EDIT: Why the fu** do I even bother with this anyway, fu** this game

You are correct.
Including the edit.