[Rework] Arthas, the lich king. var 1

This is 1st variant how i see Arthas rework. 2nd will be as soon as i will have time for it.
Starting from main question: why this hero has to be reworked? Despite having famous abilities like death coil, army of the dead and hitting people with Frostmourne, Arthas gameplay is very easy: walk around with E always active, press ALT+Q and D whenever possible, adding ghoul food when Q isnt enough. Only ability you can actually use as you see fit - W, but its very hard to hit someone on your own, so usually it is used in range of 2m or in combo with another CC. The use of this hero even worse than his spells - it is anti-melee tank. The only task he does (and does incredibly good) is to make all bruisers and melee dd absolute trash, unable to do anything in PVP. So 1 in 10 games he can be picked to delete some illidan+aba combo or like that, but 9 other games he will play with range dps that he has no chance to ever catch, and their dmg is not affected by frozen tempest, that will make Arthas life very short and usuless. It is sad to me, that legendary hero like that has 1 button to use and cant be picked 90% of the time just becouse he works so. And rework is made to change it.
Stats unchanged
Raising Dead (D) - resurrects a ghoul that will serve you. He has 500 hp and 60 dmg over 1s. Can reactivate to retarget or move the ghoul. Also can be a target for Plague. Cooldown is started by death moment, unlimited range.
CD: 20s; Mana: 70.

Death Coil (Q) - deals 75 dmg to target and applies Plague to it. Can be self-casted or casted at ghoul to restore 300 hp.
Radius, mana and CD unchanged.
Plague (Q) - passive. Deals 100 dmg over 5s, healing Arthas 100% of damage done to heroes. When time is out or target is dead, tries to spread to nearest target within 4m.

Howling Blast (W) - skillshot, that deals 65 dmg to 1st hero hit and puts him in ice tomb for 2s (stasis).
Radius: 6m; Mana: 60; CD: 10.

Frozen Tempest (E) - no more slows attack speed. Instead reduces vision radius by 10% every second up to 40%
Mana: the same.

Summon Sindragosa (R1) - unchanged.
Requiem of Souls (R2) - after a 1,5s pre-cast, unleashes souls from Frostmourne, creating 20 waves (souls) fast traveling in different directions and dealing 50dmg each to any enemy hit. One wave cant hit one hero twice, but one hero can be hit by many waves.
Radius: 6m; Mana: 100; CD: 100s.


  • Rime (passive) - unchanged.
  • Eternal Hunger (passive) - your attacks drain 1% of target’s max hp and restores 1% mana.
  • Immortal Coil (Q) - Death Coil heals even if used on enemies. When used on ghoul also spreads Plague.


  • Frenzy (active) - increases ghouls damage by 100% and move speed by 25% for 5s, but he loses 10% hp per second. 35s CD.
  • Frost Presence (W) - quest: stasis enemy heroes with Howling Blast. After hitting 10 heroes, Howling Blast’s radius is increased by 20%; after hitting 20 heroes, Howling Blast is also applied in 2m AOE around target hit.
  • Corpse Explosion (D) - when ghoul dies, he deals 350 damage in 3m AOE and spread Plague.


  • Icy Talons (E) - unchanged.
  • Deathlord (Q) - each tick of Plague on enemy hero reduces cooldown of Arthas basic abilities and trait by 0,2.
  • Frozen Wastes (E) - unchanged.

13 LVL

  • Icebound Fortitude (active) - unchanged.
  • Anti-magic Shell (active) - gives 75 spell armor for 3s and restores 1 mana for every 5 dmg shell has blocked. 35s CD.
  • Vampiric Blood (active) - increases maximum health by 15% and all healing recieved by 50% for 3s. 35s CD

16 LVL

  • Unholy Command (D) - commanded attack, when 5m range from target, ghoul jumps ahead, stunning target for 1s and dealing 100 dmg. Has 10s inner cooldown.
  • Epidemic (Q) - Plague spreads to 1 additional target.
  • Remorseless Winter (E) - Frozen Tempest’s maximum slow and vision reduction increased from 40% to 60%.

20 LVL

  • Absolute Zero (R1) - Sindragosa flies twice as far. Enemy heroes are stunned for 2.5 seconds, and then slowed by 60% for 4 seconds.
  • Frostmourn’s Rampage (R2) - after 1s delay, souls are going back to Arthas, dealing damage once more.
  • Night of the Dead (active) - ghoul takes 90% less damage from AOE spells and attacks, Raising Dead’s cooldown is twice less. Can be activated to consume ghoul, killing him and restoring 25% max health. CD: 60s.
  • Revival (active) - after 1s cast, resurrects teammate for 10s. Resurrected player has full hp and will die after 10s. Enemy team doesnt get exp for his 2nd death and respawn timer is unaffected (but he wont respawn untill he becomes truly dead). CD: 100s.

So that’s it. Please leave your comment below: was it good or not? what you think is too OP/weak? Shall i make var 2 or better not?

This one is extremly broken, heroes that have this ability has to pop a lvl 20 talent into it.
The reason this one is even more broken is that you basicly have it up 100% of the time, so if Arthas takes on lets say 3 players with this.
Then you have 3 players who have NO idea where skillshots are coming from, leaving them unable to juke any incoming dmg.

This aswell is basicly an ult, howling blast is fine as is, you have to remember that this is an AoE spell, also 10sec CD.
Leaving 3-4 people unable to play every 10 seconds in a TF is mad.

Mana drain is not allowed.

It decreases only YOUR vision, leaving vision from teammates unchanged, so you r not blind (like in dehaka’s ult).

not sure you can juke something having 40% slow. only orbital BFG

AOE in 2m when talent is stacked

3-4 people taking skillshot in 2m AOE is really mad. Becouse they should have lost the fight the moment they did this. Its like staying 3-4 people in kerrigan’s W.

sad. Let it be “drains 1% of hp and gains 1% mana”

So your argument for keeping the vision loss + slow, is that the player would PROBABLY not be able to juke it anyways?
That’s like saying to good players “Hey your having a struggle to juke spells when slowed by 40%, let me just make sure that you can’t”
Also loss of visions comes with more than just the lack of chance to juke spells, prediction, visual communication.
There’s TONS of things.

Well it’s not, Kerrigans W is so small, that it would actually be amazing if a Kerrigan landed her W on top of 4 people, and even when/if she does that, people can stil escape afterwards unless they got some wierd wombo combo planed with a… Kerrigan?

There are ALOT of factors you havn’t considered here.