Ridiculous to get leaver status after leaving a ranked draft because some1 was afk during banning twice in the same day

I’m seriously losing my patience with this game and the way they force players into completing matches with other players that are afk, feeding, intentionally throwing the game, etc.

It’s bad enough that there isn’t a forefeit option, bad enough that if u go afk u get kicked and risk getting leaver but the worst is to be in a ranked draft and u see some1 is not banning, you can only leave once per day without penalty. I got 2 afk on draft in the same day. I get a penalty, they dont. Fair? Good system?

Time to revise these basic broken rules that end up punishing players that are not afk and taking it seriously. OR - MAYBE - get a forefeit once and for all

Wait you can actually leave a draft/game once per day without risk of penalty?