Roots, stuns, slows, silence and other CC and diminishing returns

How many roots, stuns, slows, silences, sleeps and other CCs are needed?

The game has come to the same point in this regard that other blizzard games have reached.

It’s not rewarding playing a game were you lose control of your character for 6 to 8 seconds and die. It’s just not good game play.

Challenge arises from play and counter play, not from how much CC you have and how well you can sequence so that your opponent is powerless and death is unavoidable.

I understand that if you give cleanse to everyone than engage becomes hard.
If you overbuff healers then it feels like you can’t ever kill anyone and it becomes tedious. In fact all this CC stems from the amount of healing this game has.
If you nerf healers than no one wants to play them, because they will lack game impact, they already are the worst class to “carry”.

Think about this, just an uther can keep you stunned for 3.75 secs

I would suggest the implementation of Diminishing Returns on CC types.
If you get stun multiple times within a certain amount of time then the subsequent stuns to 1st one will diminish by half. 2 secs, 1 sec, half a sec until that timer resets.


Meanwhile there is dota, where heroes have up to 3 stuns in their kit + more if they have any items with CC.

On a serious note- I only started seeing people complaining about CC in HOTS since last year and from beta till then I haven’t seen anyone care about it that much. Tbh I think CC is fine as it is and it isn’t as over the top as in dota for example. All of this is coming from a former Genji main btw