Russia is not EU

Hey, you know what! If you (all that are complaining) learnt Russian, you wouldn’t have these communication problems in the first place! It’s not any Russians fault you can’t understand them, just like it’s not your fault that they might not understand you. So hey stop whining, pick up a phrase book and fix your obvious problem! Your never need to complain about a lack of communication if you are actually communicating to them.
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I’m sure you have enough IQ to find other useful words to make your game less painful. But then, well, you would actually have to be nice to people.

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Are you saying Russians do not have enough IQ to find useful English words and pick up few game related phrases? Because that’s how it looks like when you ask someone to learn language which is spoken by so few gamers and try to attack the IQ of majority. Let me tell you that English is not my mother tongue. And it’s not so for most of the HotS players. But we still had enough IQ as you say it to learn it because it’s incredibly easy language and modern world communicates in it.

Honestly, I don’t care what language everyone uses. We got pings, I don’t need to write anything (if only players knew what pings mean tho, and this is problem across English-speaking players too). I was also never a fan of this “make them play under separate region” argument, because it won’t work. Russians do not have enough players and nothing would stop them to play at EU (a lot of them already play at NA for example). But don’t try to push your agenda by insulting the majority. That never works.


It was more flipping what everyone says around in attempts to make them see it in another light – with a light comical twist because all this ranting is beyond stale. Sure English might not be a native language to many but have you asked how easy is it for Russians or anyone to learn? It could be like expecting English people to know another language, just as well as most of EU knows English. It’s not a fair expectation because our education system too put it politely, ‘sucks rather terrible’ in such an area. I think we learn a second language far later in life than most places, normally French. The rest of EU seem to see English and German as important languages to be learnt and so learn them. As for Russia or any other place who knows? But at the same time no one is asking the age of the players here, or there background. So the entire argument of who should speak what language and how well is just beyond laughable at best! As no one should be expected to speak the same language anyway, people on EU servers should just be use to this. I don’t see people complaining when other people don’t speak English, so there is no reason to kick up a fuss about Russians.

Do you have any ideas the number of games iv had where people talk to me in German and I have no clue what they are saying?
Honestly I’m not expecting people to type in Russian when most can’t even make the letters appear in a reasonable space of time. Though it’s good to learn a few words.
Less is more when it comes to communicating in this game, learn key words and profit. I’ve had someone on voice going on an on. When they said something useful to me, I ignored it because I was so use to them talking I simply blocked it out to focus on what I was doing at the time.

So just chill a bit when it comes to communications, play unranked or QM and not care. If you’re in ranked then just make sure you are doing the right thing and use pings, not complaining about everyone else or lag or how cheap your mouse is. … cos that one is my excuse! Lol