Save the player with good behaviour out of toxic people

Blizzard should set silenced/leaver/ afk people in the same queue for 3 months(without telling them) even in quick match etc, that way correct player can enjoy the game without their toxicity

Imagine a new player seeing that much toxicity in quick match, if i was a new player i would gone out of the game quickly but of being mixed with them

I came back after 4-5 years, and at that time i never saw that toxicity and seeing a silenced player was like every 45 games you could see 1 silenced.
Nowadays it’s every 3 game a silenced player or a guys that refuse to play the game

I report them but they look like they are swarming the nexus

Heroes would get way more player without them

no one bans people for reasons other than chat. the silenced player is immune to your shenanigans. Enjoy the casual MOBA =))