Separate region for Russia

Matchmaking has been going crazy for a long time due to the lack of players, and you still want to cut someone? Maybe then its easier to just change the game? Well, and most importantly, there are no bad nations, there are individual bad people in it. Stop being nazis and racists towards anyone.

Actually the idea is to remove nazis from this region.
That’s why I think would be better to stay without russianz here.

lol. got what you deserved

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Remove all Ukrainians from the servers.

Remove all Ukrainians from the servers.

I guess you missed the beginning of the thread…

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For opposing great ruski attacking their nation.
i’ve been a lot: “ruski go home” lately, so it would be cool if they did. I got a few ruski friends, it’s np, but i think they can go home anyway.


Guys, this is called “nazism” what you propose here. And seems like you, nazis, are winning here. I’ve got my nickname “TheRussian” just changed forcibly without any valid reason. Are you sure you want to move this way?

You literally have no idea what “nazism” is. The sad thing is that everyone in Russia is taking the same path as the actual nazis… it was an order, it was the politics, etc. No responsibility taken for killing children and elderly.
I am Romanian and we paid with blood to get rid of a dictator and Russian domination. And we were 23 million people not 144 million. It’s either you are the vast majority against killing innocent people and we rise up against the ones that are doing that or the vast majority of the people are ok with killing innocent people and then you have nothing to complain about.
As for banning Russians from the servers, besides the countless moral reasons, the major practical reasons are that the vast majority are playing with a high ping and can’t communicate with others in the team if they are not speaking Russian.


Dumb thread, usually these posts are made by people butthurt they lost to someone with a Russian looking name

I want everyone to feel welcome to the game, and happy to play it in peace. And I like symbols, generally, so I’m always happy to read cyrrilic ones. And I figure many Russians tense up, not knowing how welcome they are. That makes for worse games.
However, I wish for peace. Russia’s invasion is unacceptable and Russians will be held accountable for this for a century. We was trading but Russia already had a bit of a bad rep, but kinda working on it. Then Putin kinda was the guy for an extended period, suddenly. k. And then now, present, an invasion with various reasons as explanation.
As a citizen you are also a representative of your nation.
At some point it will be seen as traitorous trading anything with an aggressor as the war rages on. Which includes Heroes of the Storm.
That innocent people that has nothing to do or no real opinion on the conflict suffer from it isn’t the fault of those who deny privilege like games but rather their rulers. At some point the Russian people has to look to its nation’s actions and recognise that they’re part of that national movement and therefore always partially responsible for it. Then some things can’t be helped. A militia can never beat an army. So it’s understandable the Russian people doesn’t just rise up and end a war costly on life and relations.
As this continues, expect the general opinion on Russians to keep degrading.

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Guys guys guys … If you want to promote any kind of conflict, just continue to promote views that divide society or community more and more. You know how they say, “divide and rule” and people with power secure even more power this way. So stop to hate each other and make HotS a game that unites people all over the world and not divides them.

seriously just change russian to every other minority out there … grow up please …

Nah, I don’t want to promote conflicts, I don’t care about Russians, Nazis, etc. … I just hate Ukrainians cuz we were trying to help them and they just destroy everything and then become “Karen” for some reason …

Your whole life experience must consist of your backyard activities, going to the mall once in a month. Because that could be the only reason someone could spit such an ignorant comment. Newsflash for you! : Through out the history governments made wars at the cost of civilians. Not every single civilian wants war. Do you think the guy that played Karazim in your game goes to war-front and send RPG’s to his neighbour after his HOTS hours are over? Learn to distinguish. It will take you far from your current capacity.

Help by instructing what relationships a sovereign state should have, and further help by invading when moving away from authoritarian Russia?
You mean Russia was helping themselves to some of that Ukrainian cake, and when Ukraine wanted their cake for themself and wanted to choose who they break bread with, Russia declared war. A war denoted a ‘special military operation’ to tone down the severity of attacking a sovereign and emphazise Russian ‘might makes right’ but also that it’s not actually an infringement on sovereignity but a liberation action, and only an action, not a full scale war as “war” implies mass murder and oppression when Russia likes to imply finesse and just rule.
Russians have some “special” people alright. People that believe in their right to oppress others. A belief that they’re the ones to be pitied even when killing others.
The aggressor is ALWAYS wrong, always. It’s always wrong to kill and it’s always wrong to oppress, and it always comes with a price. A price Russia does not want to pay but has to, not in the least with their own lives.
You talk on internet ‘karens’ because you don’t understand war or suffering, and you don’t understand legitimate complaint or real cause. That makes you a child that shouldn’t talk but you still do because internet, contrary to you, does not discriminate.
You are an insolent person to marginalize the suffering caused by Russia, and you are a blameshifter. But Russia is to blame for this, and Putin is the main perpetrator and should be punished for his crimes. And eventually, as Russia realise there’s no winning and that sanctions will last for a century and more, he will be made the scapegoat. Such is the Russian way. A loser is a loser, after all, and having spent his usefulness as an aggressor he will be made to pay the price for the suffering of his discontent people to please them and the rest of the world. He knows this. Which is another reason he cannot withdraw, because then he’s not just a loser in the eyes of Russia but a coward too.

I say Russia can make their own games. Why should their people be allowed to plead innocence? This war is theirs, own it and apologize, and do what you can to end it. But don’t come here looking for friendship and companionship in games and fun when your country wages war. You don’t deserve it because you too are responsible for what happens in the world, regardless how difficult it is to deal with. Cause we do understand that little can be done to stop Putin’s reign of terror as talking itself can lead to your demise. Think on how that came to be. Your collective actions and beliefs put that leader in place and now you claim innocence of a culture you was with growing. A culture of arrogance and complacency, one of intolerance and oppression. That’s your culture, your state, and your guilt; own it.