Should i waste my easter holiday playing hots?

I’m tied between hots or just relax and play a fallout game or something.
a few pros and cons come to mind.

The pros are:
1.People are actually getting better. ( I remember when hots was new i could get a megakill with the purifier beam) LOL

  1. The Idea of the game is good. I like how a lot of the heroes feel like what they do in their respective original game.

  2. Other similar games feel cartoonish, and doesn’t really appeal to me.

As for the CONS:

  1. It’s a frustrating game. (NUF said, no need to go on a rant here.)

  2. I have no friends who play the game, so I am always solo queuing. (5 minds and 1 goal, this is the fundamental weakness of the game if you don’t have a team.)

  3. Too much time is spent between games, with all the picking and loading etc. and lets not forget the death timer. so in pure gaming time you probably lose about 1/3.

any thoughts?

Why not just play both? If you get fed up from playing HOTS, you can just take a break and play fallout. Problem solved.

relaxing and enjoying hots? good joke bruh