So I tried dota 2 yesterday

My god, what a game! you have to sit in lane and kill your own minions so you can collect gold and that takes like 10 mins so you can buy stuff as if its RPG and not moba, and the game takes like 50 mins…what a terrible experience, doesn’t come close to HotS. Please fix HotS mmr mumbo jumbo so I can keep playing HotS instead.

There are good parts, like you get statistics from players, how they tend to play, like in Fifa when you have “attacking” “defending” etc. player characteristics…and bots are hilarious when they chat.


While there is last hitting and denying wich is extra skill needed.
It is slower… focusses more on indivual results… But my god the precise minmaxing, the lack of strategy and the sameyness is what turns me off from it as well as LoL.


I had a friend telling me what to do, he kept yelling at me for killing enemy minions, he said you have to stand next to them and then hit your own and last shot then so you get gold and deny opponent hero.

So basically you both stand there looking at minion wave and then click on your minion when he is low health to kill him…how is that fun?


It’s abit more interaction cause you slow down the enemy and gain momentum.
LoL’s devs (original DOTA devs) knew this wasn’t fun and removed it, as it promoted a more passive way to play and gave ranged charaters a bigger advantage as they can poke and deny easily vs melees.
So it became last hitting only enemy minions. Wich is more balanced in LoL as melees have wind up time, while ranged has wind up time + projectile speed.

Blizzard devs are like: “last hitting is only gonna force laning phazes, let’s get rid of it all together so people can focus more on attacking enemies and such.”

Thus most of the laning happens till level 13. After that it’s teamfights after another. Wich I prefer.
I prefer Moba’s to focus on the team work aspect rather then my solo aspect.
Less laning and more interresting things…

HOTS has these things. Different maps, different strategies, different play styles. Sure DOTA2 has some heroes that break the norm… but there is less intrigue in it as they still mostly involve… do your lane and last hit.

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Lets not sh*t talk the mod and the sequel game to it that made your Hots a possibility. Dota 2 is a great game on it’s own and far from as dead as HOts is.

If you want HoTS had better MM…then support Brutalnot topic " Make HoST most epic game in gameing industry this year" these both locked topic. They are mine. This is my alt account.
They are locked because i did breack forum rules. I also post in reddit HoST website .
I never try DoTa 2 or LoL , never!. In future HoST would become better . Because …what is this now current bad situacuine…would make out HoST developers to take smart and better and almost unmistakeble decions or new ideas, new mechanics, new rules.

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Is dota holy so we can’t “s**t talk” it? The game is terrible! It has nothing to do with HotS. I know its more popular, as well as LoL, but for the life of me, I don’t know why. I tried them both, LoL all the way back in like 2009.


Dota is the only reason Hots exist, you ought to understand the origin of the genre. Without the mods, no Hots. Aeon of Strife and Dota is the reason you can sit here and c omplain. Dota 2 is on many levels a much better game than Hots. A better made game at the foundation compared to Hots which is just a cheap throw away product of Blizzards in comparison.

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It is more popular because it is million miles better by every (objective) metric you can think of. You just don’t like competitive game and you want a more casual experience, just like i do. Don’t try to suggest the game is worst because of that. Also it is naive to suggest that “gold” is the standard of an RPG game…EVERY strategy game (which moba is a subgerne of) has at least 1 resource.

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How is standing there killing your own minions for gold million times better?


If all the dota players tried hots for a day, alot of them wouldn’t switch back. Hots is soo much better. I found hots after playing Dota 2. Now I know that hots came from dota but still…


My personal problem with DotA [posted about this before] was Agility heroes being superbly bloated overpowered

I know there were quite a few patches since back I played it but yeah, bad memories stay bad… Oh, and I remember like playing CM (Jaina in HotS comparison) and there was a Huskar on the opponent’s team (think of it like Guillotine Zul’Jin) and remember like investing a couple of banks in items designed to counter specifically him, cause didn’t have trouble vs other guys on the opponent’s team but he destroyed me whenever he jumped on me

Yep = Linken’s sphere and Blade Mail were my “off items of choice” to “counter” him directly, guess what = the SoB had Aghs which makes his ult 8 sec CD, are you bloody fricken’ kidding me ?

Imagine Zul’Jin having Guillotine on 8 sec CD and him losing only 25% HP when using it, and jumping on you in Melee range

So yes, though Huskar was/is Strength hero, still have DotA’s stance of Agi heroes being “must farm and carry late game”, right now only hero in HotS that feels like that is Butcher but yeah, imagine Butcher being able to buy items that make him invulnerable and have Muradin’s skullcracker if he pleases = yep, THAT is DotA in a nutshell

[or at least USED TO be]

IDK how the game is now but I really remember it for having buttload of stackable CC (yes, HotS CC looks like child’s play compared to what it in DotA is) and having terrible balancing (Everyone having to buy BKB late game and similar BS), srs ?

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I played orignal Dota back in high school,and played mostly LoL durring my collage days,and i would say that Hot’s is by far better and more immersive to me.
The only thing that Dots/LoL have is high support from Valve/Riot and heavy push to Esports.Somthing Blizzard never fully commited regarding Hots,and how could they HS/OW where still big players to Blizzard in Esports.And not to forget you had Sc2 and WoW turrnaments,so Hots fall to like 5th place priority wise Esports…yea.I recently went back to Hots and i still think the game is great,but wount touch it untill i see what they plan to improve over the year.


That doesn’t make it a good game or above criticism.

You might as well say that something like Herzog Zwei or Dune 2 is beyond reproach because without them we wouldn’t have Warcraft, which would mean no Warcraft 3, which would mean no DotA mod.

These games are important to the creation of HotS, but that doesn’t mean they’re still good games by the standards of today. Even if they were the best game ever by the time of their release. Nor does the lineage mean that a particular game is better than the rest merely due to its position in that lineage, whether it’s the first, in the middle or the latest.

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No, but the reasons Dota 2 was attacked sounded more like a “I prefer Hots over Dota 2”

Dota 2 is a very good game, a well made dotalike/moba/whatever you want to call it, in the sub genre of RTS. To say it is a “bad game” cause you do not like the mechanics is a very personal opinion.

Dota 2 blows Hots out of the water, especially as a F2P in the same sub genre, especially at mechanical depth and coherent design. Hots is mainly fan service, thats my personal opinion.

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Well i think most difference between DOTA and HOTS DEVS was that, Blizz have its policy od 20min. match (since SC2).
I think it is good policy, because fast, dynamic match with possibility of “cameback” in mid-late fase is better and more interesting than 35min. lane fase for gold and items :slight_smile:

By the way. If someone is complaining on “lack of personal impact” and “game too focus on teamplay” I always say to them:
Why do you play “team oriented game” if You want personal impact?
It is like starting to play football (22 players) and complaining You don’t have ball 20-30 mins. during match.
LoL kind of people.

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Ouch, you just reminded me on a game where I pushed vividly and hard in order to kill the tower on our lane ASAP and gain a momentum with strong item early on (think I was Disruptor and pushed to get Mithrill Hammer ASAP early on and complete Maelstrom in order to gain huge DPS increase for early fight and gank space against the mid lane)

Got shat so hard for that OMG, how dare you, I’m carry, you should support… Nonetheless, we won that game but geez, it’s like a beehive there when not doing “conventional” things


I was flamed so hard first game I played. Even after my friend told them “he is new and this is unranked”, they kept flaming me even harder. Reason was - I pushed my lane too far.

Regarding skill required, I bet if you pitched hots pro players vs dota players you’d see hots players win, hots is much more fast paced these guys wouldn’t know what hit them. Same with sc2, when koreans said its harder than bw because fights last like 2 seconds, you don’t have time to practice control…meanwhile all knowing redditors kept talking about micro managing your workers, how sc2 has it automated.

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I wish I played HOTS before I have sunk 100s and 100s of hours into LOL. The game design is much better and the games are not as long, which is really good. The downside is the terrible art design and the horrendous music in HOTS (I have never played with sound off in any game until HOTS) but the game itself is good.