Split-Push Vs Teamfight

Just had a game as Murky where my team lost.

I was told I needed to join them for the team fights despite the fact that in the first 3 team fights of the game I was keeping 2 of the enemy team distracted trying to stop me bulldozing their top tower.

Now I used the simple maths of “If you can’t win a 4 vs 3 what makes you think that you’ll be able to win the 5 vs 5”

Seems simple to me. If I can keep more than one player in my lane as murky during a time when a team fight is happening then I’m doing a damn good job. If my team then loses those fights well…what hope do we have really? Because I see nothing in Murky’s kit that would suddenly turn a team fight that was lost 4 vs 3 into a winning 5 vs 5

You play him wrong, you probably are that murky player who takes march of murlocs ult. You have the longest single target stun in the game, invincibility with heal, slows and an aoe bomb that enemy has to either destroy, run away or eat that damage. If you don’t join teamfights you are just bad at playing murky, you can still create lane pressure clearing camps, which is more important than to solo push like a sheep.

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Love how you literally ignore any of the information I gave to make yourself sound like you’re so smart.

So I’ll explain some more.

First 3-4 team fights was before anyone had ults.
My team was losing fights when I was in lane forcing at LEAST 2 members from the enemy team to stop me.
For your information I rarely take the March ult and normally do go for the Stun

So please Mr KnowItAll explain to me how if my team is losing team fights before ults and when they out number the enemy team how in god’s name was I meant to magically turn those fights around.

You take octo grab and then push solo anyways leaving your team to carry you? That’s even worse than I initially thought.

btw. if you would play him good you won’t be here on forums making topics like this one. You look for someone to tell you it is like that and you did good, but you didn’t, so try to be more useful for your team. For starters stop playing murky and start playing something that your team needs.

God you’re funny and dumb. Like a puppy that pees on the floor.

You give us such generic “advice” that it could be used for anything.

You’ve opted for saying “I’m going to make wild and inaccurate statements about your gameplay and style and assume your team were literally god tier players who YOU Arma screwed over.”

You literally have ignored the fact I’ve TOLD YOU that my team were losing fights before ults were even an issue and if you dare turn around and say murky is good at teamfights before ults then I’m calling the police and telling them there is a literal crazy person who needs to be locked up before he hurts someone or himself.

I bet you’re the type of player who believes every game is winnable and that through the power of “friendship and love” you can win every game. Are you telling me you’ve NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER played a game where your team mates would be more useful as bots?

But please feel free to ignore yet again the fact I’ve told you my team were losing before ults were a thing yet again and come up with some rubbish to make yourself feel better about yourself

The problem lies on new players or newbies who have made new accounts. They have been previously ranked as bronze and now they are somewhere else. Mmr system makes you lose more than win if you are not master player, and if you solo all the time.

Keep in mind that your teammates are not equally good than enemy players the variation is huge in this system.

What can I tell you? Someone who communicates the way you do usually is the main problem with the team doing bad. Upload your replays and show us your game. You can write a lot of stuff, but so far it’s all just talking.

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And that is where you failed. A hero isn’t automatically an equivalent to another hero. For example, Deathwing and Li-Ming have a different impact on a teamfight and a 4v5 without Deathwing won’t play out like a 4v5 without Li-Ming.

From your other replies, you clearly just posted on the forum to get validation, which you won’t get. You also have a poor approach to teamwork and you need to work on your gamesense if you think losing before level 10 means losing post level 10.

Sometimes you do need to help. Especialy for map objective (of course some map objective are more importent than others)