Stealth heroes, but everybody can see them

I see a lot of complaint about this and that but I never see people complaining about this nowdays…
By far the worst thing that happened to HotS in my opinion is ruining stealth characters and making them visable even to blind people… Why are they even called stealth if everyone can see them? it was such a horrible idea…
Nobody even plays them anymore becuse removing the invisibility made them super boring and weird.
If only blizzard reverts that horrible change.

And yes I know they turn completely invisible when you dont move for few secs but its clunky to use and its not fun


new players and children friendly


I thought they changed it because people with high end monitors could see them easily and people with low end couldn’t so it gave some people an unfair advantage.
I thought this was common knowledge at this point.


Thats a horrible reason. Majority of people have funcional monitors and could clearly see stealth heroes before the change (if they were not newbies). The only reason they did this is to appease bad players that were crying on forums.

Also if you are 2 poor to buy decent monitor that is none of our bussines. Why ruin fun for majority of players just becasue few people were playing on calculators.


There were also settings that made you see them easily. Making spotting them easy as cake. Ergo unfair advantage.
It doesn’t matter if they were visible or nnot.
Either they have to be full invisible or semi invisible.

I know one game called Shatterd Galaxy used the old stealth mechanic but had 1 more other mechnanic. “Footprints/tracks”
This required to also equip the unit with anti-grav movement so it wouldnt spawn foot steps to be a full stealth and that drains your energy even faster XD

I am surprised Blizzard didn’t try this.


Not as much the monitor quality as the settings used on the monitor itself and various ingame graphics options. There is of course also the physical environment of the PC to consider, as some natural lighting conditions could affect this as well via screen glare.

So the developers decided to rework Stealth itself, to let all players deal with the mechanic on a more even term. Instead of asking players to buy the most expensive hardware they could get, while living in their mom’s basement with a perfect studio light setup.

Oc course, if Chuxerine is volunteering to buy every player a top end monitor and configure them so that Stealth is equally visible to every player…

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Main argument of pre-rework stealth supporters: “Everyone can see it anyway, no need to nerf it”.
Main argument of post-rework stealth haters: “Everyone can see it now, change that.”

Those two groups are often the same people. Like seriously WTF?

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Pretty much sums it up. Blizzard slogan: “by PC leftists for normies”… god I miss the days it was “by gamers for gamers”.

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Well not every true gamer can afford the best stuff.
You can be SKILLED but your hardware sucks since your parents aren’t rich or such. So this is a fine balance.


You missed the point entirely I think.

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Worst thing that happened ? What exactly changed for those heroes ? Nova and Valeera did not see professional or ranked play before and they do not now. In fact, it has become harder to kill Nova right after she shows herself in true-form and Valeera got a nice range buff on her teleport, which is far more usefuel than sharking around in dark corners. Samuro is hardly played for his stealth ability anyway and Zeratul is still the only hero viable in a normal draft (with a scary lvl 16 upgrade). The other heroes upgraded at least from “never pick” to “Oh, this could actually work” or “Nice, lets punish them for their squishy set-up”.

I honestly do not mind a “true stealth”, if they removed some of the buffs to those heroes. So far the changes only affect quick matches without supports (where Nova or Valeera are still in every 3rd game) or games in low leagues.

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I don’t care about you and if you are poor or rich. If some people can afford better monitor and see stealth heros 0,2% better well good for him. This is not communism there is no exuallity if you have bad monitor thats your problem and it does not affect anybody else.

Ain’t invis heroes “cloaked” ?
They’re supposed to be visible-

I don’t understand why people do not see that all these stealth heroes need nerfs not buffs. Valeera has now almost every type of dmg and cc, teleports from a long range and has quite the burst. Nova has decoys that deal dmg and has 2 charges of them PLUS an emergency escape . She can also deal more dmg than before and has armor debuff on armor percing shells. THEY NEED NERFS NOT BUFFS. Even the low skill and rank players that complain now should see that stealth heroes are more powerfull than before( like Phaldas said).


It wasn’t 0.2% or 20% better, it was “Is your system set up to see stealth heroes”? If yes, they were about as stealthed as they are now for everyone. If no, you basically could not see them at all.

Also, your posts read a lot like “I don’t care if anyone else has fun. It only matters if I have fun.”


Now they actualy require you to have some skill to play. So stop whining. I feel like the people whining, are people who lack skill, and picked these hero, so they actualy could do something, because they lack the skill to do it with other heroes. And i do see them being played. I was up vs Valerea today. And some people play them very well.
Some people just changed the frame rate, so the stealth hero’s was easyer to see.

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They are still not visible on the map, and if they position themselves they become perma stealth-ed. I think its a good change. Also due the fact that if a stealth character pre-change was picked. Your whole game turned into a pixel spotter.

0 fun for anyone except the stealth-ed person

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Worst change ever? How, exactly? Any time I see comments like that, I imagine it coming from the old Nova players who used to spam her in Quick Match thinking they were the bee’s knees, using barely noticeable blur-stealth to walk in, bam bam, retreat on solo-laners.

Meanwhile, us ranked players were laughing any time Nova or Zeratul were picked. They weren’t reworked due to the shimmer, they were reworked due to the vast gap between popularity in casual play and ranked play. Stealthers were rocking the Quick Match melting pot but had next to no participation in Ranked and anyone who picked them was deemed a troll. They needed to be given attention - and they got it.

They’re actually better now - and rewarding to those who aren’t stuck in old-HotS land where the highlight of their day was probably cheesing QM against people who probably didn’t even know there WAS a shimmer, never mind having the experience to actually keep an eye out for it along with general map awareness.


This debate is old and it’s already been settled ,the devs stated that the stealth heroes should not be an : " eye test " for players , if they even going to change this i doubt that will be any time soon .

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The reason for the change in the very first place was that HotS were losing playerbase numbers. It was hard to attract new players, new players who start in the lower brackets of the game being fresh MMR. Forums had weekly threads about the same INSERTSTEALTHHERONAMEHERE from bad players who simply were bad at the game. So they gave the nerf-bat to the entirety of the stealthroster to let these bad/new players stick around in the game. They don’t sell anything from their microtransaction platform if people don’t open the gameclient, simple fact. The move was disguised as a care to welcome new players, making ‘Bronze’ easier to navigate, but really just coorporate greed. Company’s first priority is to please shareholders, capitalism 101.

Some background information for y’all.

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