Still a terrible community

Every single game people just threaten one another with AFK or Abusive Chat reporting that even works if you play enough because it’s a robot, not a real person, doing the reports.

HotS Devs have created a disgusting community.


Soon there will be no community, the devs don’t listen, they don’t care, and the game dies, just like WoW.


If you don’t cultivate your green garden, you won’t harvest tomato and cucumbers.

Protip: Don’t ever type anything in the ingame chat.


U can’t blame the devs for this , they aren’t forcing anyone to be rude . abusive , afk and so on . Half of this problem belongs to the players and not the system .


As above, blaming the developers for toxicity enacted by the community is laughable at best - almost as much as trying to say this game is dying, or that WoW is dead/dying (which is a giggle-worthy comment in and of itself).

Perfect counter-measures won’t stop people from being people, especially in naturally frustrating / competitive gaming environments such as a MOBA. Feel free to visit League and tell me it’s less toxic there than it is here.

Three years of HoTs and not a single silence, probably because I don’t emit toxicity in-game or engage with those who do (when I can help it). Half the time people complain about the silence system, I just imagine to myself how many reasons for a silence I would find if I could read the chat-log for the majority of their games.

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Don’t get tilted , take everything with a grain of salt , remember it’s just a game . do your best in every game , take a break when u feel u can’t perform well , don’t engage in any conversations that lead to flaming ( trash talking and so on ) .
This would be my guideline for every player in the game .

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What was the purpose of this post Calculated?
You don’t seem to enjoy any aspect of this game,
just move on.
There are a mwga ton of great games out there,
hell, Red Dead Redemption 2!

Oh yeah and that is coming to PC! oh wait…

The classic argument from NPCs who don’t understand the underlying issue.


Well KingComa’s not entirely wrong. Blizzard aren’t obligated to do half the things people seem to expect around here. If people hate it that much then it’s safe to say that constantly, constantly, constantly posting bitterness here results in nothing but justifying half of the silence/ban complaints and makes said person look like a whiner.

It’s not feedback, just bashing at this point. If they can dedicate so much time to posting constant bitterness, then I can imagine the things they come up with during particularly frustrating MOBA matches - but hey, what do I know, I’m just some unbanned and unsilenced pleb for the last 3 years who actually enjoys the game.

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Yeah you’re right.

If people have a problem with something, a lot of people, as it’s constantly brought up, we should all be -quiet- about it instead! And say absolutely nothing - that’ll make change! That’s worked out well throughout human history so far.

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However if they don’t they will see massive backlash from the community, us, the players, the customers. No customers, no revenue.

1-2 days ago Blizzard was forced to literally reach out to previous WoW players with feedback requests, survey through 3rd party site, asking for 30min of random customers time over telephone/Skype to talk to them about the issues of BFA. It only confirms that there is a huge exodus of players in that franchise, a reaction, to an expansion as bad as WoD, if not worse.

They tweet they want feedback for WoW, yet deliberately ignored and deleted the entire Beta/PTR forum for BFA, where all the issues we have now in BFA was pointed out months before release. They chose to flip the finger to players, now players leave, now they are crawling back trying to get players back. Cause and effect.

I bring up the comparison with WoW, because it applies to any given Blizzard game. HotS been slowly dying over last 1-2 years, and just as they are scrambling in WoW, they are scrambling in HotS. Opening week is active on for multiple eSports, including HotS. They want to hype it up, get good viewing numbers they can use for marketing material and/or take to their shareholders. As such they want you to watch 4-8-12 hours of both HotS and SC2 for what I would classify as measly rewards. It is a desperation move.

The real issue is, once you have scared away loyal customers by not caring enough, it only gets that much more difficult to ever get them back. That is just a personal belief I got. If I get burned by X store IRL, could be a bicycle store, grocery store, insurance company, I will take my money elsewhere.

When things get dire enough for HotS, they will start shouting “please, please come back, tell us how to improve HotS!”. Wait and see. But they will be echochambering, because there are no-one left to respond.



You stated the obvious not trying to understand the point. I think the idea was that devs can do better when faced with rude, abusive and afking people than leaving all the job to robots and creating a reporting system nobody is satisfied with.

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I still don’t understand what the purpose of these kinds of posts are…
What do you want to get from it?

If anyone disagrees, you and Akasut just react defensively,
so why bother posting on a public forum.

If you are SO bothered with all this, contact Blizzard directly.
don’t bring your vitriol here. It isn’t the feedback forum

Whats the purpose of your post?

Writing on Blizzards forum, is the best option, we the customers, have for contacting Blizzard. Their joke of Customer Support refer countless people to the forums as well. Are you thinking of open-letter blog websites or a written letter to Mike Morhype… wait… hes not CEO anymore. Nvm.

You have good observation skills. This is indeed the General Discussion forum, where we discuss general things. Like this topic talking about issues about the HotS community.

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Answering a question with a question…

Answering no question with a statement.

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Will leave you two to your very popular post, all the best

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Thank you for recognizing you don’t have anything constructive to contribute. Baa.


Nobody said anything about being quiet. It is the manner in which feedback is being conveyed that sticks out (if you can call it that at this point) - not whether you do or do not convey it. No company is going to sift through threads of vitriol to get to the important bits - which isn’t saying polite posts will get you the results you want, but when they do visit (which you can be sure they do), constructive posts have a much better chance of being read and/or delivered compared to the constant bashing, even if they remain quiet on the subject regardless. CM’s aren’t inclined to shove toxic threads down developers throats.

Hate to say it but quite a lot of companies, even with bundles of Community Managers on tap, often won’t engage overmuch with the community - not many at least - but they do read (or have people paid to read), and feedback is bundled/dissected and categorized into tiers (after all the chaff has been weeded out). Easy to assume it’s 100% chaff if the thread is mostly a rant or tirade, so they tend to go unlooked. Either way, this gives the impression that they ‘don’t care’ or ‘don’t listen/read’ simply because you get no confirmation of anything and results can take up to [insert variable time here].

My point (and only point) was that incessant bashing has less chance than anything else of getting anyone what they want.