Stop allowing QM to be so unbalanced!

Why the hell cant you devs at Blizz do something to stop QM being so broken? just because its QM does not mean it should be so bad that 1 side gets shafted by a draft they cant control. I mean wth we get a KT, Hammer and Junkrat so 3 squishy backline and then the MM places a Butcher/ Keri and Imperius on enemy team so they can dive us and we have 0 way to stop it…

Sort this BS out and stop being so lazy that your excuse is its QM, that does not = a mode that should be so broken it massively favours 1 side. if this is ranked or unranked then you could exscuse 1 team making a better draft but in a mode where the teams cannot have any input to enemy draft its SHOULD not allow carp like this where a backline only team get put vs a comp that all counters.

Yet again another fing loss because of this lazy balance by the usless devs at heroes. why the hell is it always having to complain because you fail to do anything ever to sort these issues out


How can something even dive this combo with 4+ stuns?Maybe the issue is not in bad matchmaking, but in bad players?

it’s “pay to win system” you pay, you will be matched to win…
it’s normal to see 3 mages without tank and heal against 3 counter-mages like tracer or ilidan

You can’t say that it’s p2w without giving any valid proof.

I don’t remember when it started, but blizzard wanted to make everyone’s winrate ~50%. That’s the reason you get dumb machups in QM

Todays matchup:




No they werent in a party it was another qm mm hot mess, and it was at prime time so huge playerbase was online, all 129 of them.

it’s not that, it’s that the HOTS team is currently to small. If they do quality of life updates, that won’t generate as much revenue as making skins or heroes. Then again I don’t even know why do they even bother with anomalies then

guys… this is pay to win…
and it’s not only about qm, but also brawl…
when there is a guys who pay a lot of money, he can’t lost every game…
I also got many times a teammate who left, before game started…
the system give you a bot, because they have someone in opposite team who have to win…

Okay I’ll just go ahead and say that this statement is absolutely stup1d. I will say that I have spent money in HOTS but somehow you don’t see me saying that the matchmaking is fair

Game is still broken, more then years ago. I think it’s a dead game, no developer care much about this game. Some rounds are unplayable but you get punished for this as deserter if you leave the game.

Sick system, very bad matchmaking. You can clearly say if a team have 2-4 of the newer heroes, this team will win because the newer heroes are more powerful for selling them better. Not every time, because its very random and some ppl leave, lose connection or cannot play with their heroes.