Suggested changes for Mal'ganis

Hello, I have some short feedback about Mal’ganis,
directly to the topic: I think his level 16 talents are all niche and can’t really choose a good one, almost all heroes have strong talents on level 16 however malganis has such lackluster talents that it does not feel good when you reach level 16, because you know you almost gain nothing out of it.
About the ultimate abilities, both ultimate abilities are niche 2nd one easily interrupted most of the time even if not interrupted it just doesn’t provide enough since there are too many healing negating abilities or dmg negating abilities that protects enemy hero, so going with the first ultimate: I think a good addition would be to add vision block. So as long as you are on enemy heroes while the carrion swarm is active they should have reduced vision (the swarm blocks their vision), just as dehaka’s ultimate ability,
Hence there is a reason to actually stay on heroes because the dmg it provide is very low, so you usually use it to escape but is that all an ultimate ability should do? The thing is it always never feels good to cast the ultimate, compared to other ultimates the tanks have,
Why Malganis is designed such that you almost never feel good when using his abilities? I like the Q and E abilities, W is acceptable I think, but there is no satisfaction that comes from any talents ), nor ultimates, (Spreading plague and black claw talents are good in this manner but both level 7 anyways) if we take a look at any other tank, we see that they have their respective strong talents at 16 or all of their ultimates feel very strong and nice. I think this should be changed, It should feel better to pick a 16 level talent or cast an ultimate to provide actual effects for Mal’ganis.

Kind regards