Sylvanas and how they killed the game with her

So i’m not even gonna go into details i just wanted to let Blizzard know that i Shift+deleted my HotS (I’ve been playing since beta) because they ruined Sylvanas and that is not just me a lot of people seem to think she has lost the ability to special and she has become a very slow hero.


lvl 102 sylv here…i totaly agree. Useless hero ever right now


yeah, I agree as well
can’t do anything with her now.
The uniqueness of her split push was amazing and now she is not a specialist and not an assassin.


LitShadow: “Sylv is useless now”

Nova players: “Hold my beer”


Hi there,

In fact, Sylvanas changed. But did you try her ?
With the game going as it goes a hard push like her could not stay the same.
Her special feeling is still here. Plus she became an op ranged assassin with several build possibillity and she became super adaptative.
You can play to finish in 1v1 or to support team with debuff (snare, armor reduction) even though i think she will be nerfed in a week or two.
We went from a hard pusher with a few range assassin ability to a range assassin with push abbilities wich is extremely strong in the current meta.

Stop whining and try her, play her differently she feels fun and strong.

She just requires a little more skill and some good map control.

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Never shift delete anything in windows. I wonder how people break their OS so often…

Btw, Sylvanas is not useless just right now. She was useless like a year already.

Are you guys for real? She got massively buffed.

She does what she did before trait nerf for a shorter time BUT can now team fight like an assassin.

Her MC ult is now very strong as well. She can win 1v1 vs most heroes, she MELTS squishies.

What else do you want?


You’re god damn rigth !

Dmg cutted
spell CD up
range down
spread nerfed
passive partly useless

Yea if anything she’s a gimmick assassin now.

We want first sylvanas :slight_smile: everytime they make her worse.

considering greedy blizzard pulled devs from hots to develop mobile games and make money on micro transactions, I don’t think they care much about you deleting that game folder.

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Blizzard has already pulled the plug now they just want until costs exceed revenue, while maintaining a minimum lvl of support


One of my favourite characters and now she’s garbage. I think the real issue is that most of her talents, and damage, relies on getting 3 stacks of her trait before she starts doing anything serious. On a target dummy this yields great results but in a realistic teamfight it really hampers her. Her new Mind Control is a pretty damn terrible change. If they wanted to stop it being point-and-click it would have been fine as a skillshot if they kept the old one’s functionality. Withering Fire is just… What? What were they thinking with that? The changes to her pushing ability I can kiiiiinda understand because they balance things around lowtier QM players (Stealth rework being a prime example) but it still guts the core identity of Sylvanas as a hero in HOTS and her PvE ability was unique amongst MOBAs. She should still be the splitpush queen even if they wanted to be rid of her always-on building stun but she can’t be with what they’ve done to Wailing Dagger. No longer can you just throw that thing and clear a whole wave from safety like, say, a Zagara can, you have to endanger yourself and expose yourself to poke in order to waveclear.

Transforming her into what she is now, a binary choice of talent paths between a subpar sustain-damage assassin and a subpar 1v1 duelist, was an awful mistake and it hasn’t been a success. Number tweaking won’t cut it.

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Agree. Worst rework ever.

One of my favourite characters and now she’s garbage.
=> well she’s more noob friendly a good finisher with strong push ability, with the current game mecanics (new forts keeps and lanes and catapult) she just couldn’t stay the same you’d have to be blind not to see it

I think the real issue is that most of her talents, and damage, relies on getting 3 stacks of her trait before she starts doing anything serious.
=> on level 7 the wave apply three stack to everybody who take it. Well timed with a dagger you just spread massive DoT.
On a target dummy this yields great results but in a realistic teamfight it really hampers her.
=> not really you counter squish so easyli plus you can finish them off.
Her new Mind Control is a pretty damn terrible change. If they wanted to stop it being point-and-click it would have been fine as a skillshot if they kept the old one’s functionality.
=> the new MC is just overpowered in every way possible it’s a skillshot ult period.
Withering Fire is just… What? What were they thinking with that? The changes to her pushing ability I can kiiiiinda understand because they balance things around lowtier QM players (Stealth rework being a prime example) but it still guts the core identity of Sylvanas as a hero in HOTS and her PvE ability was unique amongst MOBAs.
=> THe auto target on hero is what make her efficient to finish squish
She should still be the splitpush queen even if they wanted to be rid of her always-on building stun but she can’t be with what they’ve done to Wailing Dagger. No longer can you just throw that thing and clear a whole wave from safety like, say, a Zagara can, you have to endanger yourself and expose yourself to poke in order to waveclear.
=> That’s what her special abilty is all about depush just push the button and old sylvanas is back
Transforming her into what she is now, a binary choice of talent paths between a subpar sustain-damage assassin and a subpar 1v1 duelist, was an awful mistake and it hasn’t been a success. Number tweaking won’t cut it.
=> To begin with most of the hero in the game are like that some don’t even have 2 correct builds. And previously it was exactly the same why is it a problem what were the thousands of build choices that you think were here ? I personnaly think it’s a good rework.

I loved Sylvanas.
One of my first and favorite heroes to play.

Many people have gone into detail on x and y and how things are different and how the new version does z or whatever.

The truth is - old Sylvanas was fun.
New Sylvanas does not feel fun to play.

Does anything else need to be said?


Well, I played Sylvanas since she was introduced. I was a huge fan of that hero, but then she slowly faded and became literally useless. Especially after ammo rework, I used her only in vs AI if I needed to do some quest or event fast and she matched the quest requirements. Otherwise really rarely in QM when I was in mood for her.

But since her rework I started to play her again. She is quite a beast. Her burst is amazing, especially with stacked W. Surely, she is not that good in push anymore, but she is true banshee queen again. I simply love how she plays now.

I understand if you don’t like her playstyle now, because she changed a lot. But it’s much better than her pre-rework useless state imho. None of our opinions matter tho, because game will die out pretty soon without devs and pro scene anyway :smiley:

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I have spent some time playing the new hero actually I lvled her up again :expressionless: from 16 to 18 to see if there is a way to feel like the old sylv but the old sylv is gone… true she has a lot more dmg but she can no longer solo on lanes like she did before she is more of an assassin now which isn’t very pleasing but I guess it can do still in fights she can deal dmg but she has no scaping abilities so she can’t really fight she is more of a 1v1 hero now and I don’t like that much though in late game around lvl 16 she can get OP but still not someone u can have in fights and the Q ability takes too long to fire :expressionless: like tooooooo long. and now she takes no benefits from minions or heroes dying, the old sylv used to take Q charges but the new one takes nothing they forgot that she is not just the banshee queen but also queen of the forsaken AKA undead meaning the death of her enemies should give her more stuff.

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Only bad Sylvanas soloed on lanes before tho. She was the worst solo laner on the roster and it was much better to use her with the main group to pressure and push. She could solo only against bad teams/comps.

edit: If you are talking about alpha/beta sylvanas tho, then you can ignore my comment.

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I completely agree with everything said here:

Here’s hoping the HotS team learns from Hearthstone’s examples and doesn’t afraid to make core changes in key areas the community has mentioned they think need attention.

It’s interesting to consider the possibility of adding a new game-wide mechanic - like items.