The breakup Heroes of the storm

I’ve been playing Heroes since initial release. Immediately fell in love. The amount of work and dedication that went into its launch and support for the first two years was so amazing to be apart of. It made League of Legends and DOTA look so basic when compared. I mean damn, when those immortals dueled DBZ style after taking obj mid in immortal conflict, that was really something. And the voice actors saying “Hero of the Storm!” after getting 20 kills was a great feeling(still miss the lightning under my name). I cannot even go play LOL or DOTA due to the lack of dynamic gameplay(one map and a 20 minute phase of killing minions FFs).

This was the future…

Unfortunately I was wrong. After around 9k games and now four years under lacking development, the game now is officially just a memory of a great time. Yeah, I go back in to play and have some fun but in the end, we cannot deny that the party is over. We will never see the glory days now that Blizzard has decided that it isn’t worth investing in.

I never took another game so seriously nor spent so much money on cosmetics/boosts, so this is why it is tough to leave. I now know that I only play because of the desire to revive the fond memories of my years playing between 2015-2018. I cannot do this anymore. I am leaving HOTS but I wont forget the good times we had.

A bit dramatic but it is the only game I’ve ever dedicated this much time to. Damn, Diamond 2, I was close to master back in 2017. My only regret lol.


actully funny thing
the game was dead
not anymore still player it still the same fun game , QM are relativly quick to find
no seriously maybe teh glory day are behind but now the ame came back from the grave