The Ideas (yes)

As most of us know the hots kind of entered the maintanance zone.
Therefor hoping for anything big is rather foolish.
However there is a number of small things that if added could incease the quality of game experience tremendously. You may of course disagree with some or most of them, and are free to propose other ideas in the comments.

  1. Allow Players to add more heroes to the favourite category preferably delete the limit.
  2. Add all the old brawl maps to the custom games. (this needs no further explanation)
  3. Allow us to get small amounts of exp from custom games (can be limited like the AI games (as i think they are))
  4. Allow us to get a skin configuration we have when we pick random hero. (Leave the brawls as they are, just the quickmatch)
  5. Fix the bug that removes your skin, or randomises your hero when you start match. (both are very rare but still hapen, i think most when you minimize the game switch heroes quickly or are looking trough collection)
  6. Allow us to place a red cross on heroes we don’t like to play, just to organize our heroes collection easier (chosing becomes a problem when you have everything)
  7. Change the sprite of the tunnel on the warhead junction, it just doesn’t fit to this map at all, or just bring back the map before it’s rework.
  8. Players should be able to reset a daily mission once a day.
  9. Increase the talent build configurations saved from 3 to 6.
  10. Add all protoss the option to change their blade colour, or just fix their colour to match the skin colour. (egz.: zeratul has green blade on his taldarim zreg hunter skin)
    idealy just add additional slot for where mount, skin grafiti are chosen either allow us to pick collour exactly or just add around 9 preset collours.
  11. Make yet bigger wings for imperious no, they have not been increased enough INCREASE THEM.
  12. Fix kherazim hands on his tiger skin when he is ready, his fingers collide trough his gloves.
  13. Rework tyrande. (i know, i know… too big of a change)
  14. Allow us to increase THE MINIMAP SIZE.
  15. Allow us to join rankeds in teams of wider rank position… as of right now i would have to drop to be able to play with friends.

Talents & heroes:

  1. Alarak: lvl 13 Blade of the high Lord - add 10% or 5% atack speed to this talent or increase the max saddism of it to 50% as of right now this talent is useless compared to others. (Also buff chaos reigns this talent is just bad…)

  2. Allow deathwing to regain hp on tp to base. (Him not regaining hp on tp to base is a relict of a bygone era when he was absolutly op and broken) Make “mode” change for him take 1 less second (another relict of a bygone era).
    Also do something with his lvl 7 talent skyfall.
    This talent is ridiculus. It’s only purpose is to contest objectives in irritating way, it deals next to no dmg, and heals for very little.
    Also make Lava-Burst activate like after 0,75 seconds this skills does already little dmg so at least make it not spawn after a whole second. Also reduce onslaught from 0,5 second to like 0,4 or 0,45. just a little thing so playing him doesn’t feel like playing a complete brick.

  3. Allow butcher to get small amounts of meat from mercenaries camps like 1-5.

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Some of your mentioned quality of life improvements would be great and don’t take much effort to make, I hope they will add them.

The game will still get balance changes, so we don’t need to stress too much about the games balance.

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