The system of selection for the skill of team interaction

Proposal to improve the selection of players on the level of skill of team interaction.
The current system of selection is imperfect, you get with the players as equal in skill team interaction with you, and just disgusting. It’s not enough to know your hero. It’s not enough to know the other heroes. This is a team game and team interaction is one of the most important in the game. I want to offer to enter parameters which will help to define more precisely level of skill of your rival.

  • How well a player kills or deals damage after or during ally control effects or his damage (target focusing)

If the player has a high average damage to enemies after the damage caused by the ally for a short period of time, it means that the player has coordinated his actions with this ally and his stun, slowdown, damage is not lost in vain if the enemy is killed

This would solve the problem of selecting players not only in quick matches, but also allow rating games to give well-deserved points. And the fact that now in the games are team players and players and that affected my rating. Much more interesting game when two team are equal on skillu, not on rating, unilateral game pleasure not bring even if you’re winning, although this not my case, what the total bad luck