There is too much stun in the game

While 70% can be dodged as you become better, there are some combinations that just make the game unpleasant in the wrong way.

dude CC in HOTS isn’t that bad. In dota you can be stunlocked much easier, considering that items can also stun, root or disable you. You should also remember that your team should also have CC. In the end it all depends on team comps

Yes, I think you are right. I was just playing a hero that suffered a lot from CC

i agree. not being able to move for long periods of time is a very frustrating thing. not being able to, then dying is worse. not being able to move, then dying, then having to wait a minute before you can play again, just outright feels like the game is making fun of you. Bullying built into the mechanics of the game itself. theres no wonder MOBA was a fad that died out.

Implement DR.- diminishing returns. If you get type stuned and then type stuned again, 2nd one is half duration, if it’s a diferent cc then full duration.

Fixed it… In fact it’s from WOW

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