Time for blizzerd to sell hots to someone who cares

time for blizzerd to sell hots to someone who cares


You do realize HotS is made up of heroes from all of Blizzard’s other IPs, right…? Selling HotS will mean selling, leasing or whatever other arrangement, to all those IPs, which all belong to active franchises. I get the frustration with Blizzard and all that but you need at least some modicum of common sense in your complaints, otherwise it’s just white noise.

if it was up to me, I would sell it to dream heaven. really those people are the true origin of the old and lovely Ballizard.

Microsoft bought this awful studio. Meybe they will release these parasites and will employ somebody with a brain… Is chance

Or shut it down, as it’s not doing well

This game have potencial. Its actualy tra.sh because people who works about MMR system they get a job after acquaintance. Until blizzard or microsoft will pay them for doing nothing good that will by bad.