Toxic players ruining HOTS

The past few weeks I have been playing, I am seeing the same toxic players come into games and use slurs, grief, do anything they can to make other players (especially newer ones) feel bad. The reporting system does not seem to do anything. The players who are blocked from chat still find a way to insult you with pings. It is becoming difficult to enjoy playing because every other game someone is being hostile. It seems like a small population is being needlessly mean and there is nothing the rest of us can do. Please ban these people who are repeatedly being reported. This game is no longer fun.


My mate said (Spreading of seamen) a few times and got a ban. He’s a decent player but eventually the “Oh I don’t agree with you so I’ll feed” people got to him and he swore a few times.

They ban him for 72hours, but let the russian (Another word for anus),who refuses to teamplay and just run in to die and then blame the team, they let him swear in all kinds of languages with impunity.

I’ll never understand how this system works. Swear a few times and get banned, (Another word for sex) up a few matches and you get a prize or something xD

Ps. I had to edit out the Foocks and Assshole because… I don’t know.

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i am criticizing this idiot idea where the game automatically ban/suspend players for a X number of abusive chat reports.
single mothers raised snowflakes that get offended by everything and ignore the mute button, because they love being victimized.
the game is ruined by toxic gameplay, not by words. every game i have toxic players in my team that talk nothing and play toxic.


Well , i flagged your post as inappropriate and reported you.
Seems those rude people in HotS now call us snowflakes for not accepting your rude behaviors in the game , for not accepting your raging and toxic words !
Seems Blizzard dint even took action vs you for calling others " IDIOTS " directly on their forum but i hope with my Flag they will soon enough !

Yea i agree that this automatical ban system is really bad. so i have started to report everyone if they said even a one word so this bulls*it system will be removed or fixed.

Report also oponent team, this system is as grat they will by ban too.
Blizzard has worst developments ever. They as awfull they can destroy as immortal game as gta5 on only 2 days… PARASITES !!!

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Interresting that the one topic that wants to bring light to toxic behaviour and try to stop it has brought forward toxic players to complain about the fact that they are toxic towards others including the already opressed dev team

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I ask you a question.Ttell me what makes someone toxic??? bad language? pings required help? picking murky or vikings? or meybe system trolling drafting 10lvl vs 2000lvls ???

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insults in chat not like “bad move [insert character name] pay attention next time”
more excessive amount of swearing, slurs
that’s general toxicity but there are more specific versions like feeding enemies deliberately
not going objectives when you can make a difference
healer not healing you even you need it most (I get round this by playing whitemane)
just a few examples

Its look like I play only with toxic players… 80% my matches My allies dies 7-9 times where me 0-2…

Iam afraid that this game interpret toxic different. Always when any 15y old kid call my mum or dad in game alywas I get ban after this match…

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I will give you a simple option to not get banned or muted: don’t talk in chat other than glhf at the start of every game and gg at the end of every single game, only danger/reteat ping when an ally is out of position no more no less, type ”my bad” in chat every time you die, don’t ping more than once for objectives, and finally just focus on how you’re playing instead of the rest of the team to start to improve and you’ll get better teammates in no-time

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The AFK’ers get to me. I was upset about a healer leaving the game and not joining team fights and afk’ing. Another guy said, stop crying… I said fu. Got a 30 day ban.
It is ‘stooooopid’ and increasingly pushing me to deleting the game. Oh dear - second try to post this, apparently stooopid may not be used… jeez

yeah but it is a team - communication should be key to winning - with that strategy - why play at all if it comes down to… omg I hope kharazim comes to the obj?

There is a mode to play against A.I. bots if the natural aggression of competition is too much for you. ARAM, unfortunately, doesn’t have a ranked option for those who take the game a bit more serious than others. So it might be best to keep the language filter ON and remember that others don’t have any other option for that game mode. Also practicing the tolerance for others who make the game less fun for you also feel the same way toward you.
Other players have the right to enjoy the game as they want also. Yes, there should be a level of respect given to everyone, but if a player is intentionally dying or not playing, then someone should be able cuss them out without someone else, who is not the one ruining the game for someone else, reporting them for using words they shouldn’t be able to see anyway if they have the language filter still on, which they should if those words offend them.

  1. Play against bots- Your play doesn’t affect their experience
  2. Leave the language filter ON - If you turn it off you accept the usage of them and give up the chance to say you are offended.

play a little more and u will get banned for that too…

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Ironically, the game has been trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator for so long gameplay-wise (basically since forever), I think the devs realized moderating it would basically mean closing it.

Hillariously, the ‘toxic!’ screaming bunch hold these beliefs:

  1. it’s a casual moba, no one should tell you what to do, ‘i’m just playing to have fun!’;
  2. the worst players are usually the most toxic;
  3. ‘I shouldn’t be trolled by my teammates, they should be banned’

I don’t know how to break the news to you… you’re likely toxic yourself, just not in a way that gets banned. What’s worse…you’re in a sea of like-minded people, because the gameplay made it so that ‘slow learners’ (most of them indifferent to learning altogether) don’t have to realize they are a - to the team (they even become toxic in the end, and think they carried).

Now you see mostly people like yourself, and you get mad at each other, and think ‘the game is no longer fun’. I agree with the sentiment; but it’s not the chat that’s causing issues. It is merely the place where the pressure gets relieved. Patch it up and it will be just you and a few of those ‘players’ that goes to random lane - dies - respawns - goes to random lane without caring about anything at all.