I come back afther 4 years and find the same things - Lunara whit 20 coins suacide on purpose only to troll the game. The golden rule 50 % win rate is crazy and the players iq is below 0. Trolling is still the best thing that you can do and the unbalance match makings killed every hope to play more than 2 hours this game. Ohh the best part - When i type ,Are you ok to suacide whit 20 coins ? Are you braindead’’ i get silance because the abuse chat… If someone of the usless devs is reading this - you are not ok to let trolling and smurfing in this , game ‘’.
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Don’t cry. You deserve it.
Yup. I left them a good-size post on the ‘feedback’ side of the forum (although, I notice now, they hide the ‘feedback’ part of forum from outsiders of the community, ‘in good faith’ of course).
The game’s more bad decisions than good ones; they’ve been making mistake after mistake for the game’s whole existence.