Tyrande's possible rework

Hello, my dear friends! We all do love and esteem our High Priestess of Elune, but her last rework was… controversial. Some people likes that she is a full healer now, but some of us would rather see her as a ranger assassin and support, as she was before. My personal opinion is that her gameplay become more boring, and with such low damage of Basic Attacks it makes no sense to pick any talents except for Q. But we can’t just do what half of us wants and forget about the others, can’t we? So I think, multi-class would be a perfect solution in this situation: after all, we have Kharazim, who have such choice, and he is doing just fine.

Here is my vision on rework of our beloved Tyrande:

  • Stats: not changed.
  • Basic Abilities:
    • Light of Elune [Q]:
      • New functionality: Light of Elune has one charge, heals an ally hero for 325, cooldown - 10 seconds, cost increased to 30.
    • Sentinel [W]: not changed.
    • Lunar Flare [E]: not changed.
  • Heroic Abilities: not changed.
  • Trait: not changed.
  • Talents:
    • Level 1:
      • Everlasting light [Q]:
        • New functionality: Light of Elune has 2 charges, cooldown replenishes all charges at the same time.
        • Healing bonus on new target decreased from 60% to 40%.
        • Cost decreased from 30 to 15.
        • Passive: Heal amount reduced from 325 to 265.
        • Passive: Cooldown increased from 10 to 16 seconds.
      • Trueshot Aura:
        • Talent moved from level 4.
        • Added functionality: Damage of Tyrande’s Basic Attacks increased by 100%. Activation of Trueshot Aura gives Tyrande and other nearby allied heroes 25% damage bonus.
      • Ranger [W]:
        • Talent moved from level 4.
        • New functionality: Activation makes Sentinel pierce one enemy Hero on hit.
        • Passive: Sentinel’s width is increased by 25% and deals up to 150% more damage based on distance traveled.
        • Quest: Hit 2 enemy Heroes with one Sentinel 10 times.
          • Each time when Sentinel hits 2 enemy Heroes additional damage increases by 25% (up to 400%).
          • After 5 succesfully hits Sentinel will be piercing 1 additional Hero.
          • Quest completion reward: activation makes Sentinel pierce all enemies on hit. Ranger’s cooldown reduced by 5 seconds.
    • Level 4:
      • Elune’s Chosen:
        • Talent moved from level 1.
        • New functionality: Basic Attacks heal target allied Hero for 100% of the damage.
      • Mark of Mending [D]:
        • Talent moved from level 1.
        • New functionality: Tyrande’s Basic Attacks heal her for 30% of dealt damage. Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter’s Mark heal the attacker for 2% of their maximum Health.

Hopefully, such rework will make Tyrande’s gameplay much more interesting and unique. All feedback is welcomed!

this is super unbalanced.

about her basics:
it’s not a charge mechanic, if u can use it only once. so just change that description and introduce the charge mechanic with talents.
the basic heal is too weak for a healer

about the talents:
everlasting light:
there are basically no benefits to this. the cost reduction is a must if u have 2 charges to keep mana consumption at an exceptable level. there s only a minimal heal increase if u consider the cd increase, heal reduction on new targets and introduce risky plays by auto attacking to get the cdr.

trueshot aura
oh so u wnat to turn her into a ranged assa with healing ability again

wait why does this sound so familiar? did you just revert the previous rework and even buff it?

elune’s chosen
why is elune still not able to choose her own priest?

mark of mending
sounds op together with the new trueshot aura, but it makes sense to base the heal on her aa instead of her low base hp.

but now she has 2 lvl 4 talents who need her to pick trueshot aura at lvl 1…and of those 2 mark of mending seems much more versatile.
the lvl 1 change to the owl not sure what to think about this. this could be also op once u get the other talents for it.

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Well, I just wanted to make her a multiclass hero, and that’s why there’s 3 those talents on lvl 1:
Everlasting light makes Tyrande full healer (right as she is now, except of redused healing bonus), with little Basic Attack damage and base version of Sentinel; Trueshot Aura lets her play as ranged assassin/support, with base version of heal and Sentinel; and with Ranger she has low BA damage and heals, but high possible damage with Sentinel, which can be used on large maps and especially vs low-hp heroes like Abathur.

That’s all really might look OP, but here is some numbers:
Tyrande’s BA damage right now - 57,2 with 1,33 attacks/s, so in one second it’s will be ~76 on lvl 1. On lvl 20 it’s ~160.
For example: Kharazim’s BA damage on lvl 20 is ~263 in second, without considering Deadly Reach and Iron Fists (with those damage will be 809,1, it’s can be tested on… well, on test ground :slight_smile:). For Tyrande, in her turn, with her Iceblade Arrows, Hunter’s Mark and my suggested version of Trueshot Aura it’s will be ~554 in second (and up to infinite with Darnassian Archery, but with this perk even Aba would reach those numbers :slight_smile:).

So, in my opinion, such rework wouldn’t be OP. Not at all.
Again, it’s not about making Tyrande Assassin again. It’s about giving her choice. If you like to (or need to) - pick Everlasting light, and you get Healer-Tyrande as she is now. But there’s still many people who would gladly play her as support hero with increased damage, at least in quick matches.

u cant compare a ranged base attack with a melee one. most ranged aa are much less compared to their melee counter part with a few exceptions, but those heroes usually have other downsides.
again u comparing her base aa with khara, but u double her aa passively with ur suggestion…and their s basically no better pick other than trueshot aura at lvl 1 as far as i can see. idk how well the owl will syngerize with her current talents, guess i have to take a look at that again, maybe that s even more op for teamfights.
well assuming u go for the aa build it s def. way too op with all her aa talents. sure she s squishy af but usually u only pick her into a team where she s considerably safe anyway.

Numbers always can be corrected, it’s not the point. This is about of giving her a choice, but you somehow think it’s automatically will make her main DD in every match with 200k hero damage. Tyrande was fun and playable hero before, she is much more useful as healer now, so why not unite those conditions with one multiclass hero?

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maybe not 200k but she ll deal similar dmg to normal ranged assas, while she can still heal and that s exactly what bliss doesnt want. and jeah if her numbers get normalized then this sure is a great idea.
the main thing why i feel ur suggestion is unbalanced is because ppl will only play one build because it s too strong.