Hey guys looking for a chilled player to play together no matter win or lose. Usually, we play from 6 pm onwards. We are not experts. One of us is very good at dps and I am still learning the game.
Mic is must
Current rank silver 5
Here is discord
Hey, what roles do you guys play?
and what dps does your friend play, and whats his rank, (you mentioned you being silver5, wht about him?)
I play mainly anduin, Malganis, Diablo, Butcher
Friend comes from league of Legends top players so he can play pretty much anything.
Maiev / Zeratul / Orphea / valla / Kaelthas / Jana
sounds good,
i been hoping to find someone who can play jaina or varian, for a nice combo
I hav a full tim anduin playeer who plays well
and a tank player, but having 2 tank players is always better,
specially double tank with one massive damage and a bruiser and healer is always good comp if taken into ranked as a 5 man party,
if guys play at UK tme 6pm onwards, theres a good chance we bump into each other,
we can go with a few QMs first to get along,
coz i been droppd to bronz5 now, had the worst day of hots history ystereday,
so bad that i played 3 brawls to gt a win to my name to go sleep lol
add me up