Uninstall after 5 years. And that's why

HOTS was a nice, game but now it is officially dead:)

  1. Blizzard should concentrate on support and not on their internal sexual scandals. Whole problem is not worth a penny

  2. Your ban policy is a joke.

  3. After I’ve been unmuted MMR deliberately started to give me afk players and mentally challenged individuals. Out of curiosity I was observing at what point i will get to let’s say 50-50 win/lose ratio. I was at 60+% win at storm league before fabulous ban. After ban I have 2-15, ok - I give up. You won - I uninstall:) Rot in your swamp. WOW is dead too and rightfully though.


Indeed, Heroes of the Storm was nice…

It was a fun journey. I always loved Blizzard. Since I was a kid I always admired them and their games… but sadly they lost their spirit.

Warcraft? StarCraft? Diablo? Damn… three great universes. Thrall? Varian? Arthas? Raynor? Zeratul? Diablo?.. a lot of great characters with an amazing lore.

Playing these games was like reading a good book or like watching a good movie at cinema… but sadly it’s over. And the nightmare become worse since Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard.

Thank you for all the amazing memories – Mike Morhaime, Chris Metzen, Samwise Didier, Rob Pardo and all of the Sons of the Storm!

Yeah, I’m done after today. Been playing since Beta, but I can’t even play ARAM anymore, this game is absolutely disturbing how clueless most players are. No SBMM for any game mode is just…ridiculous. You’re either hard carrying games, or getting stomped because someone decides to pick a champ they’ve never played and feeds relentlessly. Going back to League full time. Peace out, HoTS. It’s been real I guess.

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winrate is total BS. one day you can’t seem to lose, other day you can’t seem to win. Add the really bad match making system (which fuels the toxicity) and you have a real FUBAR game. Only chance for decent games is in ranked.

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blizzard developments doing everyting to make everymatch unbalance…
I played draw matches this game 0 times… this awfull game is only a waste of time.

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