This weekend was really funny, played 2 the worst game in my life…ofc i reported many of them bcs they were toxic, feeding, etc…etc…no single email from blizz.
So i think it means they were not banned right… So why should i even report them if i see over and over same fogs in game…no difference, no a single thankful main
I reported guy for feeding in ranked and still next game we were in same team. WTH
The only report thing that seems to work is the abusive language thing. Being AFK, dying on purpose, seems to do nothing
Yea I agree, HOTS needs to have some sort of notification or proof that our reporting is actually doing something…for instance, League of Legends sends you an email instantly when a report is accurate and that the respective person you reported has been punished (i.e. penalized or suspended a few games).
this would work way better if u wouldnt get matched together with ppl u reported though this could be abused in certain ways that would be rather easy to check, the additional “work load” should be worth it if u could finally stop having to play with ahm not so nice ppl
on the other hand i could understand that this wouldnt be much of an issue if the player himself would make some effort to find a group of ppl to play with, with whom he/ she is comfortable. moba’s r teambased games u shouldnt look at this with ego-shooter perspective
when you get those old " how effective do you feel the reporting system is?" im like … i have absolutely no idea since i dont have any information to give nor i receive feed back if it works.
I just had a match vs beginner AI (i pick this mode to just clearly do quests). Someone who was about level 1465, or so. I think the person had 14 deaths at the end of the match, had barely done any damage as imperious. Plus hadn’t picked a single talent, i think we ended the match at level 16. I bet nothing will be done with that player