Uther is baaaaaaad! Please buff or rework

Okay so first of all im not saying Uther is all that bad, hes got a pretty good cc, decent burst heal, and overall he’s one of the harder to kill supports.
However with the recent Holy Shock , Stun , Health nerfs he’s got the a point where he’s considered by the game’s wast majority to be a trollpick when picked as a healer.
I have many experiences of me prepicking uther as the healer and the whole team going insane and demanding that i pick an other healer. ( I only play in masters i dont know if this is the case in lower ranks)
Or in some other cases where i do end up going healer as Uther anyway, i will most likely get flamed for not being able to keeping up with the enemy healer. ( I understand that some of you may say that just go bruiser uther, but no its not working anymore, not fun to play, and most uthers includeing me just feel useless becouse of the giants cooldown/little effect abilitys that the hero has.
My suggestion is to either rebuff uther to its original form pre the last nerf or just plain rework him to a bruiser or a healer, a mix of those things just doesnt feel fun, rewarding or useful whatsoever.

Thank you hots team for the awesome game and keep up the good work, the Tassadar rework was really nicely done and the new skins look awesome. :slight_smile:
i just want to feel my main as useful and strong as he was a few years ago. :frowning:

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Uther can’t keep up with most other healers but he is one of the best cc heroes in the game with his ult. If there is a mobile/hard to kill assassin you just double stun him and your team will finish him off.

How much I have played in high plat I can say he was mostly used with another support to fight uthers low healing and those comps worked well. Then again maybe the meta changed so much in recent times that this is no longer relevant

Back when i did ranked, i used to win when i picked him. I managed to get placed at plat 1. Though this is a while back and he has been nerfed since