Was I to blame for this loss?

In my last game I played as Dehaka, now it’s only my 2nd time playing the hero and I have only come back to the game 3 days ago.

My team consisted of:
Dehaka, Artanis, Zul’jin, Li Li and Zeratul

The enemy team was:
Deathwing, Orphea, Kharazim, Qhira and Hanzo

I don’t know much about what / who is good vs what so I go into most games thinking my team has a good chance of winning. However from a very early start into the game I noticed a few things. My Li Li for example was following me about in lane it took a good 2 minutes of telling him I was ok to solo my lane before he left to join the other members of the team.

Then I noticed the deaths. My team kept dying despite me holding bottom lane solo vs the enemy Orphea and Kharazim. On top of that I noticed the xp contribution my team was, to put it nicely really not getting much team xp. So I took it as I’ll try to soak as much xp I could to keep us on level with the enemy team.

Anyway long story short it ended up with me trying to soak as much xp as possible for my team while they continued to just (At least in my mind) dive headfirst into the enemy team dying over and over. For stats my team died a total of 33 while I died once.

The total amount of xp the rest of my team got was 26,531, while I got 28,882.

Now I’m not trying to brag or anything like that I’m more wondering should I tried to join my team in fighting the enemy team or was I in the right to try and farm xp to keep the team levels the same.

I personally don’t see how joining my team would of made much of a difference to the game but maybe I’m missing something

(I would post a picture of the end scores for both teams however I don’t know how to upload screenshots)


I can take a look of the replay and see how you can improve your game

You’ll no doubt find a ton that I can improve upon my end due to the fact I’m still in the phase of getting used to the game again.

I might have the wrong way to approach the game. I get frustrated easily as when I see people die a ton to me it seems silly but maybe trying to keep fighting is the way to do it.

I know in that game I could of helped my team out more but it got to the point where I felt if i stopped xp soaking in lane we were going to really fall behind in levels

The fact that you’re asking yourself questions like this means you’re doing something right, Arma! In any given match it’ll be pretty rare that a single player is to “blame” and it’s maybe not even necessary to think of it that way since everyone will have something they could have improved on.

At the end of the day you analyzed the situation and did what you thought was best for the team, which is the kind of player I’d want on my team any day, win or lose!


Then you are a big noob as well! Hopefully not in my team.

In my last game I played as Cassia, now it’s only various times playing the hero and I have only come back to the game 2 days ago.


I realy like how you describe the disparity in low rank games. My opinion is that the matchmaking system can get you in games with ppl who don’t understand the basics of the gameplay. My self is having similar issues and there might be only one way out of this. And Blizzard knows it that there isn’t any other way, to get a party (5 or 4 man stack) that will guarantee your progress to next league until you get to plat/diamond where most of the ppl will know the basics atleast.
Best regards!

Hohoho, that is far from true.

I love your statement but it is not what my experience in heroes of the storm tels me. I try to keep this mindset but with the teams i end up its realy, realy hard. Juste some (by far not exhaustif) experiences from my last ranked play.

  1. I end up with a tracer dying 3 times in the first 5 minutes of the game and standing in a bush on top of zagara kreep waiting to gank here
  2. on battlefield of eternity we have picked, johana, kel’thuzad, anna and me as raynor. And than last player picks lili. So i end up having to do sololane, race and damage while our lili dies 10 times in the game (a player with 35% win rate in stormleague how is this even possible???)
  3. An other artanis player who just brawls 24/7 and dies without getting kills with the rest of the team while the ennemi nazebo is soaking top
  4. a player who picks greymane last rotation while we don’t have heal or tank and then dyes 10 times in the game (we actualy won this one)
  5. we got as a team johana, tracer, whitemane, varian. so far so good. And then tracer asks for a dehaka to be lastpicked. we got no damage in the game and the tracer dyes 10 times without getting kills

I would love to play with that mindset but if i end up in games like that its hard, realy hard. I am not saying i play perfect by far not. What i am saying is that heroes of the storm is a teambased game and i can not improve my teamplay wen i end up with players like that. I can improve my personal mercanics and outplay but i can not work on stuff like macro, strategical etc. stuff if my team just brawls 24/7.

Even worse certain role are not rewarding in those cases. What the point of playing support wen your teammates just suicides. You save them, they have 1% hp and then they charge in again and blame you for not having an ancestral heal every 5 seconds. All you can do in this games is watch them and wait for the game to be over. In this case it is not possible to work on your play since you don’t get the feedback if your decisions have a positif impact on the teamfight. Even worse if you try to save them you actually die since they overextend and you too by trying to heal them. So the only thing you can learn is to let your teammates die, great for a teambased game :clap:

I don’t have anything against those players, if thats the way they want to play the game why not i just don’t want to play with them! So please Tyrskorn make blizzard work on a matchmaking where people with that mindset get to play together. The actualy matchmaking based on stormleague rank is just a pain as my experience described above shows.

I wanted to add that the frequency i end up with players like that depends on the time of day. Sunday afternoon almost 90% of game are like that. Saturday afternoon and around noon during week days its not that bad. While during other periodes you rarely end up in games like that. Thats why I think it has nothing to do with the rank and that the rank system for matchmaking is not a solution which provides people with games they enjoy to play. So please fix it