We need separate EU/RU servers

We need separate EU/RU servers. This isn’t racism even though I am pretty sure I will be accused of that. First of all I am white so saying something about the Russian people can’t possibly be attributed to race. Second of all, it’s a culture thing:

Argument no. #1: Russia has most of its territory in Asia. I know most Russians live in the European part but for that argument see Argument no. #2.

Argument no. #2: Russian culture is vastly different from the rest of Europe. Russia is not in the European Union; Their politics are vastly antagonistic; Their culture has nothing to do with the rest of Europe.

Argument no. #3: They have a completely different alphabet. People will say, oh well so do the Swedes. Yeah, well, no. The Swedes only have a few letters different and they don’t make a point out of speaking Russian and imposing Russian language on other peoples. Most Swedes I’ve met online speak English as it’s the international language of exchange.

Argument no. #4: Given all of the above, I say to you, you are mixing apples and oranges. Europe doesn’t live under a federal government so as to mix all of it in one pot. Inasmuch as it does, that regards only the countries who are currently part of the European Union and have an unspoken agreement to converge to western culture.

Argument no. #5: We’ve all seen how different the levels of EU, NA, CN, KR and ANZ of gameplay are. I bring forth to you this statement. RU and EU are at 2 completely different levels of play and you’re mixing basically CN with EU.

Please Blizzard, please make separate EU/RU servers.


Okay let’s go with disecting this.

Argu #1: We have players connecting from South Africa to our servers as that’s recommended to them. If you check… South Africa is futher away then Russia or equally as long. Yet no one complains about these players. Distance isn’t a problem.
Also Don’t say “Read #2 before #1” kinda weakens your stance

Argu #2: Their politics are based of Communism. But if you actuaally analyze their social cullture. You will find out why alot of Russian players are as they are.
They are escaping reality like most gamers but they way they act is the way their society is shaping them. Put abit more research into it. Pro-Russian players actualy can explain this better.

Argu #3: I’ll point to the Arabic and African Countries having a different alphabet too. Heck Germans have a different keyboard named AZERTY insted of QWERTY.
And Asia… wow boy… Asia has so much different alphabets you would go insane, yet they have 1 own server. This argument is weak due to the fact there are bigger examples out there. If you want to talk language barriers look at Asia.

Argu 4#: …I’ll point to Asia again 1st aand say… that’s a huge mixpot.
From Communism, to Dictatorship, to City State, to …You get it.
It is true that Russia operates completely different from the EU, but so do the African Countries and middle-eastern ones connecting to us.
So this point is abit moot but not a bad one, let alone it’s sorta repeat of #2.

Argu #5: This is the most logical statement.
They wish to play different from us, but… mixing shouldn’t be an issue since both sides can learn new things.
But… in this case I will not go too deep into and say. You are right… if playerbase of one region clashes with the playerbase of another… it ruins the expirence of both, especially if neither side wishes to improve.

The other thing you aren’t touching upon are net quality and the disdain wich is in the air when they join a match.
Even if you try to be friendly… they won’t talk or if they talk you don’t understand it but if you translate it… alot of times those aren’t nice words (or google translate only knows angry russian talk)

But let’s say Blizzard does this.
How will it ensure match quality? How will it ensure we won’t demand another server for another community? How will it ensure that Blizzard can still make a profit splitting the base?
Thats the biggest questions they have.
I am not in favor of this idea as I feel like it doesnn’t solve an inherent problem. It just gets rid of 1 small aspect of it.

I do think this is a better reason and arguments on why Russian players should have their own server.

view through North American eyes:

Isn’t Europe a country?

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Nah. Most of them are so “cute”. Specially after Brawl game when they write abusive text after the end (when you can’t report them). Of course they do that using russian lang. and “cyrillic alphabet”. So if you don’t und. good for you :grinning:

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but if you separate anything with this low player base you end u playing with same people over and over and that’s already happening :smiley:

I think that’s a legitimate issue and the reason we don’t already have them :frowning:

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Yes, most of the points are correct. But what does it have to do with playing the game? Also, I’m not sure if you understand difference between “server” and “region” from perspective in which HotS uses it. Anyway, I agree that there could be a server located in Russia to improve pings of Russian players, but even if there is one, they would still stay part of European region, because new server does not equal new region in HotS.

Anyway, point by point:

1: South Africa has most of its territory in Africa. In fact all of it’s territory in Africa. Turkey has most of it’s territory in Asia except for small region around city of Istanbul. Middle East is completely located in Asia. Players from those countries still play in European region, because there is not enough players to form their own region. The point of region is to split players so all of them can play together with a good ping while having enough players for MM to work properly. Creating super small region like a Russian would just cause that MM would break completely for them. Even more than it is now. So what would be the result? All the Russians would play on European region anyway, because pings are acceptable and global play allows it. A lot of Russian players actually already plays on NA server.

2: Even in EU, former eastern block has vastly different culture and values due to communist ruling them for nearly half of the century compared to former western block. Even in Germany you can see vast differences between former west and east Germany. Even after like 30 years since they were united again. And that’s just general cultural differences. If we go to more specific differences, not only each country has different culture, but within one country, specific regions have different culture than other regions within the same country. I really have no idea what culture has to do with GAMING tho.

3: In Southeast Asia, nearly each country has completely different alphabet. They still use the same server. I played there while I lived for over a year there and no, they don’t use English, they use pings.

4: Just one fact, Singapore is part of the NA region. Singapore is in no way part of the “Federal government of USA”. In fact, I always wondered why they got server in Singapore when they could easily be a part of southeast Asian region. But it’s probably to give them an option to play on NA region with good pings, I don’t know :smiley: The point is, politics have nothing to do with gaming.

5: There are Russian players in all skill levels. The thing is you tend to remember a-hole with Cyrillic name more than a good player with a Cyrillic name. Or in fact a good Russian player with a Latin name (yes, most of them use in fact Latin names). And the most definitely you remember them easier than an other a-hole who is using Latin name. It’s just how your brain works. If you can read the name, you will just hold it in a memory for a few seconds, then forgets it. But if you can’t read it, combined with a prejudice Cyrillic names have to face, your brain will remember that something was terribly wrong with that and it will pop up each time you face someone with Cyrillic name and it will snowball to the point you will think everyone with a name you cannot read is a bad player.

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I still think the EU region would be better if it excluded RU region. In fact I’m pretty sure of it but I would have no way to prove it unless it actually happened and then again, I’m pretty sure I’d be happy, I’m not sure if everybody will.

My arguments about politics, culture, language etc. ARE related to ‘gaming’ because blizzard was wondering why there’s so much toxicity and rage and so on. I think that those differences are what make the difference. I know and remember how nice and peaceful world of warcraft was before the western europe servers were merged with russian servers. mmm, good ol’ times. there is the issue of numbers, that is true, I assume. But, no, I’m not just imagining the fact that russian players are fundamentally different from the rest of europe. I know a lot of them use latin letters to spell their names but even then, you can kinda tell which ones are russian. at least I kind of can. proof for that is the fact that, and you will see, the regions NA, EU, CN, KR, ANZ all are at different levels of play with their own meta and so on.

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Only logical reason they include RU to EU is low playerbase. Either region can’t sustain on its own, so they simply merge them. If HotS was x10+ bigger of a MOBA, things might be different.

Moscow as example is several hours ahead of central Europe and the sheer distance as well will impact ping and thus gameplay quality. I know a nice russian fella I played with in another video game, and he was not only hours ahead in timezone, his ping and quality of connection was affected. Those are legit reasons for a EU/RU split-up, but due to number of players simply not feasible. Even when HotS was at its peak, we still only had 1 EU server.

I would, like so many others also prefer a split up because of the communications barrier that exists. A barrier also rooted with certain European countries for different reasons. I see the same nationalities not using English time and time again.

for example,

I can tell that our friend Akasut here is russian…


also, you think the people at blizzard could make a poll, asking all players or all european excluding russian players if they would like separate regions EU/RU or not? I think such a poll would be very revealing. that is, if our friends in kremlin won’t try to hack the vote somehow Kappa

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Couldn’t be further from the truth, but keep guessing, its good entertainment :smiley:

They could indeed, it is a very easy thing to do! However, why on earth would they even consider giving us (the players) the option to make company-decisions on their behalf? That is not how a company is run, whose goal is to make as much money as possible to please shareholders and keep getting investments.



writing this for character length

hey man, don’t impose your russian mentality on blizzard, please… it’s capitalism not socialism…

why would I keep guessing when I got it right the first time? :smiley:

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I’m gonna help you here Ghostwalker, it seems you’re mixing up bigotry and trolling on your end. And I still intend to keep some of my money’s worth in regards to aforementioned entertainment. So I’m giving you a cue-card, a helping hand, a life-line to call a friend for help or ask the audience. All in good faith for you to keep guessing my nationality, as you seem hellbent on it, until you guess it correctly.

Are you ready?

#Google search#

I hope I didn’t reveal too much! This was a HUGE clue in your investigation. I don’t know if I can sleep tonight, I might have given others the very tools necessary to doxx me. Let’s see if you can find Waldo and get woke.

yeah, you’re russian

I just think you’re lying

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Amazing, you give a guy a Where’s Waldo book, but the person doesn’t know how to use fingers to turn pages. Now that is a sight to behold.

no, son. I get that you’re trying to pretend like you’re from the UK. I just think it’s an act.

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Why would I pretend to be from the UK?

Personally I gave up playing this game competitively and changed my username to this, I used to be serious about it, but the amount of trolling and idiocy became too much, now I just play the quests and ranked for mounts and done with it.

The amount of toxicity is appalling, more so the ways Blizzard tries to deal with it without results.