What is Tassadar his role?

He is not a support anymore, Nor would I ever prefer him in my team over any other mage like li ming , kaelthas or kel thuzad. Yes he dishes some damage. But his utility / survivability is pretty much gone?

Am I just seeing this wrong ?


I think its an interesting rework but sad to see so much of his utility gone. Many years you wish he had just a little more bang but I agree. In theory i see his potential and he has dmg but in practice its really difficult to play in a game where mobility is so important. Its simple as raynor aa gun just with a worse kit.

In all transparency I have played two games as him (maybe 10 games total) and im not playing him more i think and i used to love playing tassadar occasionally. Other options are simply better and more agile for a ranged dps.

  • Slow, vision (yes 13 but channelled utility as dps ok i guess but hardly a combat ability anymore) and shield is gone. It makes him incredibly vulnerable for any burst and is super easy to kill with low hp base. Your only defense is to stand still and slowly regen HP/shield but surely die or flee ofc.

  • His kit is based around standing still which is just so bad in a MOBA. Maybe foundry or other team heavy hold the ground matches but really so many better options i think. Afterall his AA is not that powerful and really relies on Q resets.

  • Side step his Q is too easy and predictable. Its too slow to reach max range basically but i do see the pain it can bring if you manage to sustian CD reduction.

  • In theory he has some range but you need to have enemies fairly close to keep AA up and then your wall becomes rather useless as a defensive ability and it has 21 sec CD!

  • Maybe i just need to learn but his black hole ult is not very good. Its walking speed or only slightly faster and it does mediocre dps and pushes people away so not even a good team ability to open or close fights with unless you would happen to stand behind enemy team or corner them (both of which positions you will get sniped)

I think he needs more range or some improved utility/defensive mechanism to make up for his vulnerability

On a seperate not i do not understand why we need more ranged dps classes let alone remove one support in the same turn.

Yea I completely agree. Have the same thoughts. A lot on him is about standing still, then why is his base HP so low. If you get jumped by anything you simply have to hope you can run away, or that you can insta kill them. He is a incredible weak dualist and if you need a hero pure for the damage the entire ranged assassin roster probably outshines him 95% of the time.

I think he needs atleast his escape back into his baseline kit. Put it on D, genji has like 2 of them and pretty sure he also deals more consistent damage. lol

That being said. His vortext ult is pretty insane. But thats about it.

His auto attack build seems useless but when he lasers he feels like a mage. Arcon adds tankiness if you need it. Just last till 10. I’ve only played him a few times and vs him more then a few more he feels like a Keal.

This new Tassadar is so useless , I liked before the rework. My hearth is broken now for him in to 1000 pieces. So sad

Useless ok. That’s why people with auto-attack build top both Siege and Hero dmg every game and win the matches for whole team.
Tassadar is now bigger boss like character than Deathwing. He is so OP it will be nerfed soon…sadly. It is sooo fun

Deathwing?That unplayable piece of dragon even before nerfs?srsly?