What nerfs would you like to see in Deathwing?

If you would like to see Deathwing nerfed, how would you do it?

This is what I would do


Amor plates from 10/20/30/40 to 0/10/20/30

Destroyer form now gives 30% lifesteal from basic attacks versus heroes.
Worldbreaker form now gives 10% spell lifesteal versus heroes.


Damage from 80 to 65


Draconic Might
No longers heals from basic attacks. Protected duration increased from 0.75 to 1.25 seconds.

Heat Wave
Destroyer: Damage from 16 to 13. Maximum stacks from 4 to 3.
World Breaker: Damage increase reduced from 125% to 75%. Additional Functionality: Hitting an enemy hero with the initial explosion from Lava Burst refunds 10 energy and reduces the cooldown of Lava Burst by 3 seconds.

This is my reasoning:
I play Deathwing a lot and I think he’s really fun, but his damage i just way too high for a bruiser, especially from Incinerate and Heat Wave in Destroyer form. Also Worldbreaker form feels kinda useless. Additionally, he’s too hard to kill without %-damage. Lowering his amour while upping his self sustain as well as making Worldbreaker a more viable option could put him in a better spot.

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longer CD on meteor, enough to let people cap obj instead of letting him shoot for infinite amount of time from safety

in some maps, you can just forget about the obj if he is picked


And too easy to kill with %-damage. Tychus kills him in 5 secs.

I would like to see Kel’thuzad and Qhira nerfed. They can kill all team by themselfs with good combo.

DW has three meteors with 10 sec cd. He can throw it four times before you will get tribute. You can try to pick it with some teammate. With good positions DW will have to throw two meteors on you and you will get obj faster.

What is more - yes, he can throw meteors from safety but he is out of a game. While he is protecting tribute with meteors you will have some time to kill DW’s team before his slow a** will do anything.
He lands in 2.5s and can use abilities 3s after land. You have 5.5s to kill his teammates in 4vs5 teamfight.
And one more think: he has to land wisely… if he is not he will ends just like that:

3’s DW. Soooooo much op :wink:

He shouldn’t be nerfed more imo. Maybe he should have some changes with forms because Destroyer form is more useful than Worldbreaker. But if they want to make both forms equal usability they have to decrease cd on changing forms cause 1.75s is like eternity and in teamfight he just doesn’t have time to do it.

He should it’s literally a one sided game if he’s on your team or the enemy which side has him the game is won.He seriously needs a big load of nerf for a balanced hero.

Not true. I have 44 lvl on DW, 220 matches played, and don’t have 100% wins with DW. Believe me with bad team he is a trash. He can’t do much without decent teammates.
Just look at some gameplays like one I put in my previous post.

At heroesprofile. com DW has 58.83% winrate.
I’ve got 74% winrate on qm, but I was mastering him a lot on PTR and vs AI.

You can’t learn to be good vs bots they teach you nothing playing vs players learns you more but other then that I agree with you because of my recent games on QM I played on weekend vs DW so I have seen reason.

They actually adressed all of this in the latest patch which is kinda nice, could make a big difference.

I’m not sure the buffs to Worldbreaker will be enough to make it viable though.

Partly because there isn’t really a talent build for Worldbreaker. You can go some variation of Destroyer build, (Dragon Soul +Heat Wave + Fire and Fury+Destoyer’s Rampage) or some variaton of Q-build (Infernus + Wicked Inferno + Conflagration) but there isn’t really a way to build into Worlbreaker.

And I still think the armor is a big problem. A mechanic that is entirely countered by certain heroes (%-damage) and really strong against eveyone else is just not a good mechanic.

dw is already overnerfed and some nerfs even in the wrong place. anyone still losing to him is just pitiful.

worldbreaker is still a joke without any synergy. well it s hard to create any synergy with worldbreaker abilities in the first place.

if the stun in worldbreaker was more reliable to use u could argue that it synergizes well with q built but the problem is, that to make it more reliable it needs to be faster and then there isnt enough time to prepare the breath unless there s another talent to reduce casttime on q.

but let s take a look at possible changes.

first basic attack becomes ranged and maybe a bit weaker (animation in form of spitting small fireballs maybe?)

i m not sure about what to do with lava burst. actually i think it s fine. it s a good follow up to any cc. if anything it needs more dmg from the aoezone to punish those who keep standing inside. this could be done by stacks (debuff). example: base dmg 10, 1 tick=10 dmg, 2 ticks=10+20=30dmg, 3 ticks=(10+20+30)dmg=60dmg and so on. the debuff lasts for 2/3s so it s possible to refresh it with a new cast of lava burst. i let the devs decide wether a cap is needed or not, personally i think it s not needed. brainafk’s need to be punished.

earth shatter needs more dmg for a 12s cd with such a slow travel time, but to make it not abusable against structures it should only deal 50% against those.

Take away permanent unstoppable is where it all starts. As long as this stays the hero will never be balanced.

The Devs wanted to try it, that’s fine. But now they’ve seen it’s unbalanced, it’s time for it to go.

I think he (and his abilities) should be smaller. I hate how he is always on the way, whether on my team or the enemy team. Maybe it’s just me but his size is so annoyingly disruptive, especially playing healers. When then also in a map with boss and maybe Alex, there is no way seeing the other heroes out of that mess :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :smiley:

This! The thing I like most about HotS is its focus on team play, and then introducing a hero unaffected by all allied abilities and all CC from enemy team is just… ugh :open_mouth: Was in a game today with a DW, who had an almost 70% winrate over 500+ games… Which I think is no bueno.