What's current state? I returned after few years

Let’s set aside how much it is dead compared to 2018
I am just curious if the performance okay even on average laptop?
Is it still free to play?
Do ppl play rather QM or unranked?
And what are aprox. waiting times?
Got “new” heroes balanced already?
Is AI mixed in or just during disconnects?

The game could relax and take a deep breath…not a bad thing imo.

Its still free. Balance is ok, even without any patches the meta is still dynamic.

Sad news for unranked: That mode is really dead, waiting times are just to high. But as long as ranks outside of Master dont mean anything there is no reason to play unraked at all.

Guess QM it is. What could possibly happen (except only 1 melee on team or tripple supports or supporty specs, you know regular joys of MM)
Thanks pal

If you wanna enjoy Hots: Dont ever play QM. Its pure clownfiesta. Aram is better, ranked in a full grp is the best.

complete trash. nothing is balanced, hitboxes are lol. ranked games dying to unskilled people who manage to die over 10 times in less than 10 minutes. managed to climb plat 5 it was taking me atleast 7-8 minutes to find a game alone and yes matches are rigged. get a single chatban you instantly getting put to elohell where u cant win single game :smiley: