When are we getting new heroes or updates?

The game hasn’t been updated since september. Is HOTS really dead?

long dead mate… but haven’t been buried.


Blizzard is lacking personel to do more with Hots sadly,from time to time it feels really playing knowing that even rotation cant be done properly.At least new heroes,events,extra rewrds,constant weekly rotation for newer players will spice things up.Hope something changes in near future.


How is blizzard lacking of people?

Blizzard has currently moved most of their workforce towards Overwatch 2, Diablo 4 and towards their new ip. They are probably lacking an influx of new workes due to the recent events that have been going on.
On top of that is that as most bigger companies they’re shifting their model from having multiple franchises to just a select few they think will be successful without regarding the devoted playerbases that might suffer from it.
But don’t think of this as the end of Hots as it’s now owned by Microsoft who hasn’t had a larger moba prior to the aquisition we will likely see more effort and resources put into Hots when the merging is complete


They did fire almost 800 people some years ago, without knowing if it would improve things… They don’t care about their games, or their workers. If you treat your workers poorly, they stop caring