Why I get bans only when have premium activate?

I got 5-6 mebe 7 times ban in this game. Every one was during I have premium active. Do you have same? Logic say that like blizard does not want money, becaues if you pay them you have more chance to get ban.

bans means that you did something wrong maybe learn of your mistakes :kissing_heart:

mistake was a choice this game, league dota - that games got developers who are use brain.

about bans - everybody knows that this game you will get ban for words “I love you” or just “Hi”, but trolls who wish you suicide, or swear your family they never get ban. You see them every day per long time…

if you have premium active it would be better to give money to Putin…

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I will never spend any money to blizard. Never! Send money to Putin is a lot better solution than donate this pathetic studio