Why is Blizzard so ok with racism?

With the recent release of Qhira I am deeply saddened by the overall racist banter and trolling that goes on in all chat in both general and storm league. Why is it that blizzard cannot monitor the chat to some extent and seriously impose strict banning punishments to these individuals? It seems that every day I just end up blocking more and more individuals and yet every day I cannot open the chat without seeing something abysmal. Seriously Blizzard hold yourself to a higher moral standard and control the chats. I understand that your player base consists of many immature and impressionable teenagers and you need to set a good roll model for them. At the least enforce something that will end or at least diminish the insanely insensitive rhetoric that we face all too often these days. Truly a very disappointed HOTS FAN.


Please report these players for “Abusive Chat” and give some details about what was offended you from the specific player

You can do it by pressing TAB during a game and going to either “Stats” or “Talents” and then clicking the wheel button to the most right side of the name of that particular player

Please try to make sure you report the right person

This is all you can do for now

These players will often receive a Silence Penalty but the problem is that players who reported them are not notified that their report helped to find and punish offenders

So people often end up feeling like their reports did nothing

But rest assured that in a lot of cases something indeed does get done

But please make sure your reports are detailed and the reason for reporting is valid

I understand that you “feel” that just silencing them is enough, it is not. To find the people all you need to do is open all chat, at any time. Seriously just ban these people from playing for this behaviour. I literally report like 30 people a day and its the same ones sometimes after about a week they come back from their. I’m disgusted that this is an acceptable policy. Every day now there are comments about how someone should “deport or kill the new diversity hire characters”. Do you plan to actually rectify this? or just take away their ability to chat. I feel like Blizzard is accountable just like any other business. If I walked into a store and someone was saying this stuff people would be asked to leave and not come back. Its absolutely unforgivable and I am just shocked and appalled that you make the responsibility fall on the rest of us to patrol it. Then when they are reported these horrible people are allowed to continue to play…? Seriously you need to actually make a change to what is acceptable and increase the penalty to something that would actually prevent it. What you are doing is clearly not enough to motivate these individuals not to act like you all chat is like their 8 chan. With all that’s going on these days set a good example! You had said this is all we can do for now. Do you plan to increase penalties for unforgivable hatred and bigotry.

…so, how do you propose monitoring chats of all players? Having 10k people just reading stuff and then enforcing subjective justice?

My suggestion is not to pay attention to these things. If you have the need to fight this on the internet, which is futile in it self… dunno what to tell you. Guess keep complaining about it?

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I said before there should be some kind of behavior police who can insta ban chat or other punishments.Players with approval,chosen legitimate to do that.let’s say 10% of players…Guess you do it,while play give warning,then block,or kick from server(problem is no good AI`s).

Just no other way,a lot of reports are with no reason so can`t be some good effect.

Think you are talking about Gestapo, KGB, NKVD, Stasi and other similar organisations who monitored peoples behavior and asserted punishment by applying their morals and views on others.

Be careful what you wish for, it might come true :wink:

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I’ve had players with 3,000 plus games tell me to get cancer and call me all sorts of names for merely pinging for help at a camp. They were reported and happily continued playing. Don’t tell me they just happened to pick on me that one game in 3,000.

Blizzard does not care what you say, racist or otherwise. They only take action when numerous reports have been made against you. You will be insta-banned if you either

  1. Get into an argument with a trolling Blizz employee/GM that is smurfing or
  2. Enough reports have been made against you.

Your sarcastic “WP” when your allies suicide can earn you four reports, while a racist remark may earn you one report. Which do you think matters?

If Blizzard took their own ToS seriously the moment someone made a racist remark, they would banned. That’s not happening, period.

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It is enough the first few times

If players get silenced enough times they receive suspensions preventing them from playing the game

And they will be unable to play on those accounts

I suggest you avoid these public chats if they are causing you to become upset

No good will come from you being around something that mostly causes you to have a bad mood just like your eyesight will not improve if you stare directly at the sun at high noon

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They create new accounts.

Point is you get players with 3,000 games playing on accounts that bypass mature language filters (which should be instant-silence/ban) and nothing happens.

Considering racism is actually something that contravenes Blizz’s ToS, such players should be banned. I’m all for free speech in society, regardless of one’s views, but Blizz should be consistent on their own platform.

Banning immediately for a single offense is bad as it shows that the company doesn’t show lenience or mercy to it’s players

And it is bad for business as well because these players may end up being people who play their games and buy their merchandise

The point of having rules is to discourage bad behavior instead of reveling in punishing someone the very instant they go against what is written in the Terms of Service

Can you imagine being banned every single time you type something offensive?

Racism is not the only thing that is against the rules

Read up on them here:


Code of Conduct

There is a difference between offending someone by telling them they are a bad player, even cursing at them, vs insulting someone based on their ethnicity or race. There is no real excuse for being racist or making racist comments to an anonymous person in any case. Again I am 100% for free-speech where any and all topics may be discussed, but we live in a society where making a racist comments will see you dismissed form work. Making certain comments should thus not be tolerated on a public forum at all. It isn’t tolerated at football games and spectators get lifetime bans for single offenses, so it should not be tolerated here.

This was you said, thats pretty racist as well, since you generalized entire world. That statement is beyond truth, you don’t even see it.

You might live in Germany or idk, England… where these things are looked upon in the way you speak. But its not like that i.e. in Belorus or Ukraine or Madagaskar.

We can discuss these things all we want, fact is… racist to you, not racist to somebody else. These things are subjective.

No mate, racism is racism. It is not subjective. It’s permissiveness might be and it might be confused for nationalism, but when you refer to someone’s race itself, certainly in a derogatory way, that is racist.

Regardless, insulting someone based on their country is also not acceptable, so in general these things should not be tolerated.

Insulting somebody on any basis, be it intellectual, racial, national, ethnic, physique etc… is not nice. Generally insulting isn’t nice.

Thats the whole problem, cherry picking what kind of insult is acceptable and which isn’t.

To me, you putting my society and me as individual in some made up twisted “acceptable” view of life is an insult. Intellectual and ethnic.

So… it is subjective, you just don’t see it as such. Probably due to lack of philosophic thinking and capability to go beyond the buzz word “whats cool and whats not” standards.


These forums are run by a private company and they and they alone decide what they want to tolerate

And they have written it down for you too

So go here and read up on that

These are not absolute laws that the company is forced to follow by immediately punishing the offender but they are making a list of what is considered unacceptable by them and possible punishments for offenders

Ultimately people can be pardoned and punished at will by the company because the forums and game servers are privately owned by them

They are not bound or compelled by a law to do so and certainly are not forced to punish someone just because you told them to

All you can do is report anyone who breaks their rules by reporting them within the game you found them in

And you will have done your part

There are many other things we can easily do, that will be far more significant and effective than reporting individuals to Blizzard. I however choose to highlight and discuss these issues on Blizzard’s forum by choice, if only because I despise the snowflake culture that we live in.

There are many types of insults that won’t raise an eyebrow, others that any European company (or company that agrees to abide by European law) are required however by law to address. Hate speech is illegal for instance and so yes Blizzard are required to abide by these laws, hence its code of conduct.

Do your best to get something done then

As already indicated, I choose to show agreement on Blizzard’s forum to another poster, adding support to the concern for racist abuse and concern for Blizzard’s apparent inaction.

As I am quite certain many Blizzard employees care about their public perception, one would hope a public discussion on the matter (as opposed to private in-game report) would bring about a change. Fingers crossed, right.

I would love to see this “European law” you speak of though.

Hope you do realize such a thing doesn’t exist when it come to these things. EU is mostly regulatory, advisory and consultative in nature… not law making.

Entity 1st has to have a constitution in order to be even considered as law making and enforcing of made laws. EU has no constitution.

Every move they make as european committee has to be ratified in each individual states parlament. And if some country says, well that ain’t for us, then they don’t have to make it a law.

We agree Nuttela has to be the same everywhere, we agree about fishing quotas, gas quality and purity, ecology, bla bla… but when it comes to ideology, thats a whole different topic.

you know its frankly people like you that have made blizzard a sh$t company that makes cr@ppy games. Also its people like you that have been ruining gaming for a long time, please stop screwing with my hobby and go to some SJW cirlce j3rk elsewhere