Why low skilled players continue to destroy the game?

Taking boss in the 7 min of the game when the other team spot you. Staying on low hp all the time because you don’t know what the B button do. Staying on one lane just doing nothing. play as support or healer and never do your role… Ignoring the obj and tf . Just staying on one place and use abilities for no reason. 10 deaths in 14 minutes, solo play and many many more things. I think complete morons that don’t know what planet they’re on play this game… btw im rank 1500 whit 5.00 Kda and 61 % win rate “getting matched with people on the same skill level as you” balance never happened and never will.
Rank are the same , pro player’’

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That’s HOTS matchmaking is complete garbage is a know fact already but still you shouldn’t be so harsh on bad players. Every game has bad players and it’s not like their bad on purpose- I respect a bad player a lot more than a pro who cries constantly and flames his team for no reason. Blame the matchmaking, not the noobs.

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you just type that : feeding, ignoring obj and tf , ignoring the role of the hero, play solo, body block on purpose … and this is good for you ? … and this is the
reason why the game is dead because many players like you just RESPECT the trolls and morons that destroy every game in rank and qm. Maybe one day your kind of trolling will get what it deserves.

Tbh, threw my years of playing HOTS (I played since beta), I’ve not seen that many clear cases of griefing. I have seen a lot of people who have terrible positioning, don’t know when to take fights and don’t know when it’s right to do the objective and when to ignore it. It might be just my luck IG.

I’m not denying the fact that you do see many griefers, but I have also seen a lot of people overreacting though. Have you ever considered the possibility that the player is just bad?

Low skilled players are expected when playing any kind of game not only Hots or any of the other mobas out there and they should not be harrased for it.
However there are the trolls of course that you might see from time to time but as long as you don’t interact with them in any way and they’ll eventually start to get frustrated about the lack of negative reaction to their bad behaviour and troll less often in future if the majority starts to ignore them.
In my experience of playing this game for over 4 years I’ve never really noticed anything outright bad with the matchmaking exept from the 50% winrate target and hero matchups as I’ve never really had games that are truly unwinnable and are mostly lost due to the lack of experience on our entire team including me.
The winrate attribute is only really keeping you from reaching a increadibly high winrate and it does not actually force you to have a 50% winrate as if you’re actually around plat or even gold in skill level you can surpass a 60% winrate or higher in normal matches, in ranked this system is also missing so you can reach 70% winrate if we go off on the fact that 30% of all games have atleast one leaver on one of the teams as it was mentioned around 2 years ago.
Now to my point on hero matchups: if you notice that the enemy team has a composition that is extreamly strong into your team and in some cases mostly counter you while playing quick match, this is attributed to the fact that the matchmaker was made with only the original roster in mind and not with all heroes that have arrived in the nexus over the years.
And lastly stop complaining about people you think are worse than you, if they are over lvl 50 they’re almost guaranteed at a similar skill level as you are so grow the hell up and start learning from your own misstakes instead of blaming it on some random person on the internet.

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you are just hight lv troll nothing more. You and Reckeris are the example why this game is dead. Why not to complain when you see complete idiots that don’t know the buttons on the keyboard ? HOTS is the worst moba right now ! One moron that don’t know how to play and you lose the game regardless how good are you ! I see trolls in rank mod too. Diamond to master and leo that is 0 - 15. And again i ask you : you are ok whit this sort of play ?

What are you trying to prove here?
The reason I play the game is to find and play with other people and have fun, I barely even notice or care what other people are doing most of the time and I play to improve not to blame others because I failed.
And in the top of your post I saw hight lv and I assume you were trying to type high tlv in your anger so I’ll answer that instead: I’m not a tlv main, I’m trash at playing vikings but I’m quite frequently chatting with a tlv main so I understand the mechanics and the playstyles.
If you are wondering what my main is I’ll give you a clear answer now: it’s Stitches.

TL;DR: I play almost exclusively with friends and I do it because I enjoy it #StitchesMain4Life

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I think you should give other MOBAs like LOL, dota or smite a visit to see that you can find terrible players even there. You have to be very ignorant if you think HOTS is the only game that has bad players.
I will also suggest some anger management classes or a visit to a psychologist.

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you will get the ban that you deserve troll… you have 1 year so go on troll more . Microsoft will make hots great again. And your trolling in the forum and in the game will end :slight_smile:

IF low skilled players will play versus low skilled players then some of them will learn more and we will have more better players. Problem is that low inteligent developpers mixing by mmr system low skilled players with better players. They have 2000lvl and play same like when they was beginners, system giving free wins for them and they think they good. Problem is system who mixing bad players with normal players.

Sounds like you the one who are triggered here. Try and go play LOL and you will end up with toxic players that tell you to kill yourself and spam surrender every 5 min.

I dont see nothing bad with surrenering… If I can see I’am alone on map versus 5 oponents I should get option to surrend. I’am not masohist or training manequin. Also it’s not my fault that useless blizzard workers doing this game every (EVERY ONE!!!) match unbalance. It’s look like developers working with this game getting money to destroy the game