Why nerf Abathur that much?

For a long time Aba was my favorite hero with highest winrate.
Actually, the only one who i really enjoyed playing.

Still I saw him very rarely, when I did not play him.
Soi I wonder, for what reason was he literally destroyed? It is not like he was OP, and he was not swarming the meta.

Symbiote is absolute useless now, since they moved his skill from lvl 7 to lvl 4, implying we should use that good for nothing shield. I mean, Abathur now can not kill anyone, because his host either loses 25% dps, or you lose like 30% stab power, which was responsible for the most kills.

And even locusts and the Monster were nerfed AF.

I really don’t know what Activision wants to do with this game, but they should probably just kill it at once, at not prolong agony for 3 months already.

Just wanted to moan around, I know it will change nothing/


are u trolling? :stuck_out_tongue:

if not, then he’s not ruined and they probably changed him for the exact reason you stated ‘i saw him very rarely, when i did not play him’ :slight_smile:

they want to make heroes more fun for everyone and i think new aba will be easier to use for a lot of people are more viable in games for players at all levels, but who knows =) i guess we’ll just have to look at pick and winrate statistics over the coming months


Bro, I described my point of view, why exactly is he very downthrotten now.
You may tell yours.

His symbiote, the main build, power dropped by 30% straight and more by indirection - because you now lose either dps or stab.
Damage reduction on creeps does not win games, kills do. Now there are no kills for him.

His locusts now die every 16 seconds and Monster now take full damage drom everything, so you can’t focus on symbiote, you now must always micro, like, everything every minute, which is obvious loss in damage you could inflict while sitting on a host, after positioning.

So I evaluate his overall power loss as ~40% downstraight.
How exactly are you saying he will be ‘‘easier to use?’’

Blizz has destroyed my favorite hero - Aba :pensive:

  1. Symbiote is useless with this time of life. No push! They die before they reach the wave!!! OMG :woozy_face:

  2. Monster for now is just nothing with that “no 50% less dmg from non-heroes”. It needs to tp on resp alltime. No push…

  3. Tactic to focus destroy the keeps with Symbiote+Monster+Nest is now not working. The most interesting, fun and adrenaline tactic in game! WTF :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just why you touch Aba. Get out your “creative” hands from good in your games. Make something useful.

Wake up… Do not destroy good things!

Bronze Player confirmed

Call me even wooden if you like, does not change the fact about Aba

Part of Blizzard process to remove specialists and any type of non “always with team” heroes…a pity!

The monster is more powerfull today and it never was canon fodder for the enemy structures unless you wanted to waste an ult.
The shield and healing now persist even after the simbiote. You don’t need to use it then cancel to get maximum performance. His locusts were also too powerfull especially with the siege strain. He is far from unplayable.

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opinion is not the same as fact =)

you believe he’s useless yet i’ve seen him played waaaay more and i personally think he’s more fun! to each their own!

There was no excitment in backdoor Aba, it was just a good strategy without the thrill:you put a mine, burrowed, nest and three locusts and hearthed out.

They removed the fun from it for me, Abathur was my most played hero.
Before the nerf I could play different builds, now there’s only one viable and it’s not fun.

He still has different builds and lately they also buffed his locust build.