You do not deserve any players

I just wanted to say the stated Topic title.

You do not reply to forums.
You do not listen what players say each and everyday.
You do not fix anything regarding the gameplay.
You do not play the game like a player does to see the mistakes that you’ve done.

You do not deserve any players to play this game.


Well, the phrase “you reap what you sow” was invented by someone smart.


It’s such a shame, this game could have been so much better. I mean the fact that they use Blizz universe characters dragged me in to this game… But they simply dont care about what people say here…


Let’s see. Most of the cast are bourne out of player desire, even obscure ones like Mal’Ganis purely because players wanted a Dreadlord. Patches happen frequently, as one would expect. Just like MMORPG’s, you’re the bigger fool if you think games like this can achieve perfect balance.

As for listening to players - when they make uninformative posts, flame-fests and wild speculations or assumptions like this thread, I don’t blame them for not engaging seeing as people like you seem to honestly believe they are doing nothing right.

So yeah, you reap what you sow. Welcome to the gaming world - be happy it’s free-to-play rather than some product you coughed up money for and hated. Maybe if half the people weren’t so toxic (as MOBA communities typically devolve into due to the reliance on other people and the competitive nature) they’d be a bit more vocal. Or maybe not. After all, they’re under no obligation.

Threads like this boil down into the same old response: “If you honestly believe half of what you’re saying, find a different game”.


do a backflip my dude.

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Mate, if all of the players couldn’t care less about this game then the majority would indeed simply quit and find something else for sure and then there would be nobody left at all to point out all the mistakes and problems with this game and nobody to suggest improvements.

However, because so many people still care - and mainly because of the concept of a blizzard universe - then that’s why people still post here (whether it’s constructive criticism or to say well done).

If, however, blizzard keeps up ignoring the feedback that the players provide on here then eventually more and more players will leave and the game really will die out. We shall then really see how they will be able to recover from the resulting damage to their reputation!

So please think twice before insulting people and telling them to go play another game. You obviously don’t care!

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blizzard became trash, it was decent the past years but now nothing is playable… they broke the hell out of warcraft 3 - a game that was working just fine for years… wow is trash - no new content, just the endless grind… overwatch is trash as well, hearthstone - i won’t even bother commenting on this garbage

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I guess 4 years of playtime and being one of the few who harbour a positive opinion about this game constitutes ‘not caring’ - that or you utterly failed to read my post in the right context.

This is someone who doesn’t care. No constructive feedback - typical tirade. Learn the difference.


While blizz have made some decisions I disagree with they have done some things right. The game can be an absolute blast when you get a great match up and it has potential for both great gameplay and fascinating tactical choices.

As for listening to the community, even if your community doesn’t give you good ideas, it would be wise for the developers to at least acknowledge concerns or other issues from the community. Even if it’s something as simple as a monthly report highlighting some of the common issues raised over the past month and maybe a single line of currently what the plans are to deal with them, or if you’re feeling brave just to highlight some potential ideas you have for the game.

That way using this forum doesn’t feel so much like just shouting into a vacuum, which it often does if you’re bringing up anything other than technical issues.


They do, just not in a public light and not to the level that most people want. The XP changes that were incoming are being tweaked due to feedback. Various heroes that were added throughout HotS lifespan were typically bourne out of player desire. They are making MM changes – sure, they haven’t worked for the most part, but it wouldn’t be happening if nobody was complaining and will no doubt get tweaked again down the road due to backlash.

Meanwhile, practically every Blizz-related forum is quite literally wall-to-wall toxicity with marginal constructiveness no matter how good or bad their products are performing. Whilst a lot of that backlash is founded in various departments, a lot of it isn’t - and as the saying goes, it’s cool to hate on Blizzard these days.

Trying to make a positive presence by posting for the sake of saying ‘we do read your feedback’ would simply result in a toxic response to whoever tried. Not saying they shouldn’t anyway, but let’s not pretend like a vast majority of the constant-naggers here on the forums would be placated by frequent posts from a Community Manager who’s job it is to mediate or filter threads for the actual constructive bits (of which there is little).

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If it’s not done publically then how do you know they acknowledge concerns? For instance, have they mentioned anything about reworking chen, when he’s needed a rework for a few years now?

Honestly after giving up on WoW these are the only blizzard forums I frequent any more so can’t comment on the others, but for these forums there used to be much more constructive discussion, until people learned that trying to be helpful here was like talking to a wall.

Seems to me that at least part of it is because it feels like a waste of time to try and help blizzard when they won’t listen anyway. Beyond that, don’t community managers have to read these forums anyway to ensure their terms of service/community guidelines are followed? Perhaps it’s just me but it seems reasonable they could jot down a few notes about topics that keep coming up for the devs to look at, and for the devs to respond to.

But then there’s more the issue about the weight you’re asigning to “toxic posts”. In the end, I think a post that offers no coherent thought or criticism isn’t worth caring about, so why would blizzard choose to allow themselves to be bullied in this way? If you tell internet trolls how to troll you, expect to get trolled.

I just hope blizzard doesn’t use “toxic posts” as an excuse to slack on communication. Also to be fair since I’m sure someone will misunderstand this, you did say:

I’ve already answered this in the previous post.

It greatly depends on what the company expect, and what may be expected of a CM can vary greatly per company. It’s part PR, part content creation, part growth & moderation/mediation. Some CM’s only responsibility is to mediate the forums & social media like a Moderator with privileges or psuedo-content creators to broaden the audience (be it written, video, even live content), others are told to keep quiet but sift through forums for constructive feedback to be filtered and fed to the developers, or any number of odd-jobs. Sometimes none of these, sometimes other things, sometimes ALL of them at once with a CM team per region. I can’t assume what Blizzard expects of theirs.

As said, given a lot of changes/heroes and other factors were clearly incorporated based on input, and the fact threads do get locked here from time to time, it’s safe to assume they do read and filter (viable) feedback – but so long as 99% of discussions are the same old destructive drivel, there’s not a lot of reason to come here as a day’s work would involve a quick browse of the topic-names and a quick glance at the first sentence of a thread to realize it’s just not worth reading said thread, a quick report to the superiors before moving onto other tasks.

Try to imagine one PR/CM visiting the HotS forums and trying to convert this hot-bed of haters into brand-advocates. It wouldn’t happen without a lot of time, consistent communication and at least some changes to show for it - and even then it’d take forever. Again, there’s just no placataing some people. So long as they are QM-only spammers who want a ‘balanced’ randomized mode, or want reports being individually investigated and handled 100% fairly, or [insert other illogical desire here], then they’re just setting themselves to be unhappy and to hate anyone who says it’s not as bad as they think it is - and because of the way it is, even changes that everyone ‘could’ have helped with (eg. XP changes) are reserved for proven players, betas and other tests rather than publicly discussed.

This guy resumed 5 years of suffering in 5 sentences, just him could replace all the game designers in blizzard for a worst salary and have a better game.

The game is a joke. Designed by incompetent people that clearly dosen’t play the game. Perma cc. BS pick phase for aram. Horrible matchmaking. But just look at the garbage they release now. They don’t have competent developers anymore

They don’t have competent GMs also. If you write a ticket they simply copy/paste standard messages and they don’t help at all.

I wrote a ticket for a technical issue and waited 2 weeks to get an answer.

And, furthermore, one of their GM answerewed me badly once. I asked to send an official complaint and they answered “You simply can’t report any GM for anything” and closed a ticket without give any way to rebut.

They just don’t care about users and games. We are just walking wallets.