“Client Request Disconnected” when watching replays

its happening again after the newest update that added perks.
is there really no solution to this? just hope it goes away???


Im stuck/loop in the entering screen. Searching for the game server–> Entering to game —> connecting–> Searching for the game server etc…

Does anyone have this ?

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I just played a match and wanted to review it in Replay, but whenever I open it and fast forward, I get this same error and get kicked back to the sign in screen. I’ve tried at least 5 times now and while it worked for a moment on my first attempt, it’s kicked me out of the client every time as soon as I fast forward even once since. Never had this issue before today!


Whenever scrubbing through the replays too fast the game says client requested disconnect and i can’t vod review myself. It doesn’t happen to my friends so I’m unsure what the reason for this is


I Also Have Same Issue After The New Season Every Manual Captured Clip I Try To View or Save Make Me Got “Client Requested Disconnected” But For Auto Captured Clip Have No Problem Can View It Without Any Problem I Want To Save My Recent POTG Highlight But I Can’t Please Help Me. I Never Used To Type In Overwatch Forums So This Is My First Time I Make This “Chat Box”. Thank You :grinning:


Hello and thanks for the fresh reports!

I can see the existing thread on this was pretty old and have moved recent posts to a new topic.

Not much detail to share, but just wanted to let you know we are aware of this happening and currently working on a fix!

Thanks again for letting us know!

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I’m having this too, no fix found

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When I try to replay my latest game around half way in it crashes with “Client requested disconnect” every time.


yep me and three friends get this if we ever use bookmarks new season issue

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I have thee same Problem

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Can’t save my potg or even view the highlight bc as soon as my highlight intro passes, it cuts to client requested disconnect. Games still run fine, and as far as I’m aware it’s just the one highlight that causes issues. never had this happen to me before, so it’s weird to see all of a sudden. I was disappointed too since I was proud of the play n that was why I wanted to save it.


Still happening. Not using bookmarks or anything special. I’m just trying to view my most recent game and it kicks me back out to the login screen. I noticed that it doesn’t do it for the 2 games before my most recent one. Not sure how that’s significant, but there you go.

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two or about so weeks since the release and they can’t fix this problem. small indie company

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For me is happeing only with a Pog on Watchpoint - Gibraltar with Sigma, hope this help cause i see more than 2 weeks with this problem.

Same problem, get kicked every time try to watch a replay. I realize this is a small indie company but maybe you could afford a college student to fix your problems.

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This is happening to me to and it’s frustrating because I know had some great plays. What I can say is it seems to be reproducible with any ‘Mauga’ plays. Junker Queen, Venture, Solider, etc work fine, but if there’s a ‘Mauga’ in the match, it errors.


This has been happening since the most recent season updates with the perks. Every time I open replay and forward it to a specific time stamp it disconnects client. This also happens for some highlights as well. To avoid it in the replay I would have to let the replay play out without touching the time options, which is pretty annoying. I hope this gets fixed soon!