10 Avoid Slots is ridiculous

So in Season 12, we’re getting 10 (TEN!) avoid slots.

Seriously, whoever decided that 10 avoid slots is enough must be out of their freaking mind…

Just had 3 (THREE!!) throwers in the first match of the day, then i get TWO out of the three throwers in the match right after the first match…

With the game being F2P and new players join all the time, there’s no need for any such restrictions.

Perhaps in GM/Top 500 but from unranked to Masters, hell no… There’s literally no shortage on throwers in this game in those ranks.

There is literally no excuse for restricting the amount of people we can avoid below (at least) Diamond…

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It’s 3 pinned and 7 rolling.

The 7 aren’t even “avoid” they are “prefer to avoid”, and depending on how high they are in the list, will be how likely it is to avoid them.

It’ll either be a nice little placebo, or be utterly pointless.

They know their community, and if they remove the limit, matchmaking will be even longer as there are many avoidable people in this junkyard.

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What are they waiting for to implement that? avoiding only 3 is totally ridiculous, every game I’m putting people in and taking people out of that small list, in almost every game there are flamers, throwers, smurfs doing deranking… Right now that improvement is more important than any change to a hero, it is necessary to be able to continue playing.

Testing and probably rolling out with a wider social update.

Nah, that’s an excuse they’re using to gaslight us. That’s not the real reason why.

It would make sense for t500 players but not in the lower ranks where the majority of players are.

People love to misuse gaslighting these days. Up there with woke for words that no longer have any meaning because of that lol.

Gaslighting is manipulating someone to question their own perception of reality.

If they’ve said it would cause longer queues, that’s just a reason not to that you disagree with.