10 Seasons in and the grind is getting real

So basically it feels lately like all my games are either a complete stomp, or we get completely stomped. I miss the close games, that’s what I prefer lose a close game? So what it was a close game and that’s where the fun was, but they feel very much the rarity now.

I’ve been around High Plat - Low Diamond now since Season 4 that’s around a year of not budging at all in the game, it’s sooo frustrating to pour hours and hours into this game and get what feels like nothing back. The matches feel like they’re getting more and more disparate as time goes by now as regards to the above so climbing just isn’t fun anymore. I’ve loved this game since release, I’ve played the heck out of it, I have multiple accounts as I wanted to learn other heroes on them and I’ve bought a ton of loot boxes, but after all of that I’m still not moving anywhere, the plateau is real and a lot of that feels like because I play with a group of friends who don’t take the game as seriously as me a lot of the time.

Now I’m cool with this but I feel like I’m penalised for playing a team game in a group a lot of the time. So really what I’m saying is I’m just not having fun in this game anymore, after 10 seasons isn’t it time to freshen it up a bit?

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The only thing I can suggest is playing scrims/pugs. they are amazing games most of the time. I play them fairly frequently and it feels so much better than competitive, however of course no gold weapons. You have fully organised teams, people communicating and people aren’t throwing or trolling. It is also, in my opinion the best way, ingame, to improve

Well as you said you have been stuck long time. That means you found your “natural” sr cap. In order to climb out you need to start some serious practicing not just mindlessly put hours in. And thats not usually fun for most people.

Well the only way you can be stuck because of your team mates is that you group up. Season 2 I never managed to reach diamond because I played in 5-6 stacks all the time and my friends didnt have the same passion and goal as me. Season 3 came along and most of those dudes already gave up the game and I solo qued to diamond pretty much instantly.

Blizzard ego is to big for them to change their shitty sr system, so there we are watching game dying. Go play some PUBG. 1 year later nobody would play this shit ladder parody.

You mean it would be a good ladder if everyone could climb?

It amazes me that such die hard defender of ladder only spent 3 hours this season playing it.
I’m not talking about climbing. But of course 12 yo blizzard fan boys know only one answer to every critique - “you don’t like the game cus you suck. Everyone who doesn’t share my opinion sucks.”
You just dumb enough to ignore competitive ladder turning into team death match, OW streamers spending most part of their stream playing PUBG, one sided stomps in 80-90% of your games and pro players not using ladder to practice apparently because they also suck.

So your saying that your playing only with blizzard devs and they play the comp like its death match?

Pro players never used ladder to practice in any game. They always played scrims etc. in every single competitive game I know.

I mean lets take League of Legends for example, its old and still going well. Even before the e-sports scene started in lol hc players have been practicing in custom games. Sure they play ladder as well, like OW pros do, but they dont use ladder as practice. Same as OW players, before OW was e-sports game the try hards had custom matches going on already and they still do them but much more organized and these games are called “scrims”. How about 1v1 games like starcraft? Sure pros play on ladder but even its easier to practice 1v1 games in ladder than team games they still do custom games to practice. But hey lets say because pros do scrims its because ladder is bad :smiley:

You mean it would be a good ladder if everyone could climb?