1080p 240hz tn 24in vs 1440p 165hz IPS 27in

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and you only post from your own limited perspective while making a fool out of yourself by involving your frame drops, which you erroneously asume everyone has in your argument.
I play on 1440P at 165 FPS consistently without frame drops, even in team fights. Yes you read that correct, NO FRAME DROPS at 165 FPS while having most graphical settings on high and ultra. Your GPU isn’t the only factor that limits your FPS and please stop assuming everyone has the same Lidl pc like you have.

As for the screen size. There isn’t a fixed screen size for 1440P. You can have 23", 27" etc.

QHD is considered the sweet spot for most gamers for a while now, and yes that also goes for Overwatch. Yes you need good specs like Pizzatime already explained, but you can’t state in such black/white terms that 1440P is excessive because A> it isn’t and B> it totally depends on the user’s PC and personal graphical requirements.

And btw your analysis was already flawed with the “insignificant” pixel count which I have disproven you.

Dont know what kind of mental gymnastics you are doing here pal, but given that you didnt even read OP, you have quite the nerve trying to claim knowledge here.
Also, read my post dude, it wasnt even MY PC. What the hell are you on about?
Do you understand english?

Jesus christ.

You havent prove squat, because we are talking about a SPECIFIC case, you keep adding variables that dont EXIST because you dont have a point.

Now keep raging

It’s funny you bring this up, because most people say the jump from 1080p to 1440 is quite more significant than going from 1440>4k. But you seem to be married to the idea that 1080 the best for everyone regardless of what hardware we run, which makes little sense but to each their own. I don’t want to go around in circles with someone over what setup is best. Everyone’s different. This setup makes sense me me and millions of others, if you prefer 1080p, that’s fine too. As long as our systems are correctly optimized to actually run those resolutions that’s all that matters. You going around telling us that 1440p is not worth it and there’s barely any difference is simply just your opinion, since it doesn’t actually jive with what people who have upgraded to 1440p are saying.

Really? a 1.6x increase is more significant than almost a 3.8x increase?
Math and reality seems to differ … where are this “magical” people that agree with that statement? Because I can make “people” that 100% agree with me and are streamers and T500 in OW but ok dude.

100% false. Not only I’ve never said that, but I am talking about this specific case, where the PC is the same, and the decision goes between 1 monitor or another.

Again, have you READ the title? Holy christ dude, its not that hard:
PC is the same, hardware is the same, dude plays OW 90% of the time, which of the 2 monitors is more adecuate given the situation?

Response is clear, the rest is you making up scenarios where he switches hardware or where I say 1080 is better in ANY circumstances (which i never said)

For real, just read the OP.

And that’s why I said very clearly if someone is willing to also upgrade their GPU to accommodate those higher frame rates and higher resolution. Read what I wrote again, I never said just get a 1440p 165hz gsync monitor and boom, you’re good to go, I even gave my own story of when I upgraded and got the 1080ti GPU to help power games enough to reach 1440p resolution and 165fps.

I think OP can read English and understand what I wrote and its meaning. it’s not that complicated dude. You want 1440 smooth gameplay, get the GPU and other hardware needed to play games at that level. Simple.

Ok, fine OP’s PC is the same. Now show me where I said just go out and buy a 1440p display and you’re good to go. I clearly elaborated and explained it will need the right hardware to power it, ie: GPU, ram, etc. How is that bad advice?

I have a Ryzen 3600 with an RTX 2070 and I played on a borrowed 1440p @ 144hz Panel for a few weeks. I scaled it to 1080p for overwatch to get the same performance I am used to my monitor with 144hz @ 1080p. It is only a minor difference I usually get like 250-300 fps on my settings at 1080p, on 1440p It still was easy above 144hz without problems, but I just wanted to max my FPS…so I played OW @1080p
I play also A LOT of City Skylines, Total War: Three Kingdoms+Warhammer games and Anno 1800.
1440p is totally worth it if you see yourself moving on from Overwatch in the future because you play more Story Based titles that monitor will be really, and I mean really nice. Another plus is if you do other work on it, besides gaming it gives you enough real estate to work with, but that really depends on your space usage.

One more is:
Monitors will not be swapped very often and you will have this one for usually more than 5 years.
Because my friend finally found a place, I had to part ways with his monitor, I am now back to my 1080p 144hz but I am already saving for an 1440p high refresh next year.

That is just my two cents.
So getting a 1440p was more “future proof” even though you can’t really future proof in PC hardware :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy your new Monitor I will join next year in the 1440p club^^