10W 4L, Same rank

Dear almost non-existent Blizzard!
If somebody can explain in what world is this normal. I am hard stuck plat 1, because the game is forcing me to stay in plat. I WON 10 games and lost 4/5 on total and yet after two ranks up… i am still plat 1, same goes for dps and tank. The whole "ranking system’ is so badly created that i have no words to explain it. I can stay on the same spot after two rank ups, but when i get demoted, i drop 3/4 ranks xD. I know the game is dying, but come on Blizzard… This is just ridiculous.


Play a few games on every role so that their mmr decay won’t keep dragging your rank down.

Right now the mmr system is a little wonky because somehow the support mmr decay can make your tank/damage rank drop and vice versa.

It was explained in a recent comm’s post in general discussion.

Edit: i found the thread

I am playing every role tho, that is the problem

These issues never occurred when we had the SR system on OW1. I believe this new ranking placement system is to cover defects/miscals.

Exactly the same issue I faced at the time. On their latest comms they did use the word ‘Most’, which suggests there are issues.

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diamond player here add me