2 - 2 - 2 or a 2 - 2 - X slots?

Hello readers,

You probably all heard of the recent events of a 2 - 2 - 2 option for tank, dps and support roles. But I hope this is not goimg te be needed after you hear this solution.

Let there be a maximum of 2 tanks and 2 supports.

I believe I don’t have to explain myself why, as the solution is simple and any answers are quite obvious.

Let me know what you think.


One of the reason why we need 2-2-2 is so that we never end up in a situation where we have a meta (GOATS) without dps.

I do inderstand what you are saying, but I don’t quite understand the reply to what I’ve written.

With a maximum of 2 tanks and 2 supports you can have more variable comps, for example:
2 tanks - 2 support - 2 dps
2 tanks - 1 support - 3 dps
1 tank - 2 support - 3 dps
0 tanks - 2 supports - 4 dps
0 tanks - 1 support - 5 dps
Or in the rarest case 6 dps

This would mean the end of goats in the form we know it today.

well the title asks 2-2-2 or 2-2-x slots, and I think 2-2-2 is better. Also, solo tanking / solo healing on solo q ladder sucks.