So I just had a comp match where I was solo Q and another guy who was also solo Q was 200 SR higher than me. What is that about?
Last night, I was one game from plat, 2493, then, of course, I went on a downward spiral, ended the night around 2320 despite my best carry attempts with Moira, big heals, multiple gold medals, killing flankers, keeping overextending tanks alive, rough night.
This afternoon, I lose 3 more. Going into game 3 with my 1288 SR, a teammate announces that he needs this win for plat. He’s solo Q and 1 game from plat. I’m solo Q. He’s 200 SR above me. Huh?
Because 200SR doesn’t mean a thing?
Yesterday I was in a 3200 game with a 3600 masters player. It’s not that unusual.
Your MMR didn’t swing as much as your SR.
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Actually the opposite. This happens when you’re on a winstreak and he’s on a lose streak. His MMR is lower yours is higher a bit than your sr.
I didn’t specify the direction of the swing, I’m just saying the SR changed more than the MMR The SR is way more volatile than the MMR for established accounts.
Do morning queues you’ll place with people 500 SR above you lol… played with a bunch of solo q master players like that
Because 200SR doesn’t mean a thing?