24h of server issues

It has been over 24 hours since players in EU servers can’t join games on quick play and ranked. Blizzard is not admitting issue. Support is autoreplaying they can’t do anything with bans.

I am playing on EU right now and everything seems fine. Except for one game where the enemy just AFK’d in a QP game for reasons unknown to anyone.

Reinstalling game doesn’t help. Still “Failed to connect to server”.

That would make sense if it is a server issue. I did just have 1 game that failed to connect, but that is 1 out of 15/16 that I’ve played today. Guess I’ve gotten lucky

I can’t play also, waiting time more than 20 minutes for QP, sometimes it even not full server when game started.

Xbox with cross-play enabled, eu.

There’s another thread here on technical support

[Main thread] failed to connect to server

There’s a request for more information on the situation by an actual blizzard staff member.
So blizzard is aware of the situation now and are requesting us players to submit information so they can start figuring out what is causing this and how to fix it.