-30 sr for losing a game where everyone left but me

Usually when someone leaves you lose less SR but apparently not anymore, -30 because someone left within the first minute then in the next round everyone else left, not sure why that means i need to be punished?? I don’t even gain 30 SR for a win what’s the point???


Once I lost 50 sr becuase I cancelled a queue on the exact second i found a game


I totally agree with you, in every other game, when someone is leaving the game, you don’t lose sr \ you lose only half of the amount of a normal lose.

guessing Jeff want to bottle neck all players in gold / plat for the rest of time


This is the problem; if a player leaves the game is no longer accurately measuring the skill of the players, it’s just wasting their time and making them feel bad.

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yes same!!! i legit cried cos i’d been pushing so hard all day and i was 1 win away from ranking up lol i emailed blizz and they didn’t give a single sh-- about it lol

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