6v6 Test Patch Math

6v6 Test Patch Math

The patch is still great, but the math is pretty surprising.

What are the findings?

That both 6v6 and 5v5 tests were matches of overwatch.

It was a bit more complicated than that but I have to admit you aren’t wrong.

Overall I’d say some things made a lotta sense and others were confusing

patch is good, numbers are confusing

We pay 50$ at this point. You will be happy to have 1$ and a recommondation for your next assignment.

Im annoying right? What do you think is my reason? Not only will you be bought off…

For me, personally and subjectively, the latest 6v6 playtest with the current Hero roster was pretty fun and enjoyable :slight_smile: . I could see them removing the “open queue” in comp and replacing it with the 6v6 :slight_smile: . Then people can still chose if they want to play 5v5 or 6v6.
Just my thoughts and opinion on it, although I know I might be in the minority on this :slight_smile: .

Would be a sensible move tbf

Still got the min 1 max 3 test to come. My gut feeling is that’s the future.

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